
"While I disagree with what you say sir, I would defend to the death your right to say it!" - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

(Taking a sip of some soda...)

Actually, if you go to the Fringe wiki, they tell you which songs appeared in each episode, and have links to buy them from either Amazon or iTunes (can't remember which) directly.

I really, really doubt that if they get renewed the whole season will take place in 2036. Really doubt.

I mean... David Robert Jones' big masterstroke is to combine the two universes into one, right? I figure he'll succeed.

And a damn good one at that!

How do you know you weren't? Maybe you -are- the winner!

No, I'm with you. I think the New 52 Harley is great. A bit more twisted than old Harley maybe, but the whole reboot seems a bit more adult, as you pointed out.

Yeah I totally agree. Here's hoping Netflix picks it up for a second season and they retool things a bit. I really did enjoy it, and thought it was a great concept, if not the best execution.

Because she's hot and he wanted to fuck her, natch.

Yeah, I felt they really missed the mark with the River. The one episode just about Emmet's journey was so much more compelling than all of the rest of the season combined. They should have just done that as the show, and ditched the whole Search For Emmet angle.

Yeah, most certainly. But he's the type of guy who really falls head over heels for every girl he dates, you know? So I guess it's a bit different in that regard. It's purely animal for him. Matt just thinks every psycho with breasts he fights is "the one".

That does sound like it could work out alright. You should pitch that for when they inevitably re-re-reboot the franchise.

Hahaha. Fair enough then. Is that old Juggernaut she was knockin boots with? Well yeah, I guess she has been played up by Pete David as sort of a super strong, liberated, independent woman. So that's okay with me.

And, sadly, you never will... Ha. No seriously though, it's never gonna make sense to you. Different strokes for different folks, you know? I don't really find vapid, rail thin starlets to be hot, but man are there people who do!

Definitely worth a look. And the Shin Megami Tensei series has quite a few different series within it besides Persona. So, if high school extradimensional hijinks aren't your thing, there are plenty of other flavors to try... though every flavor is at least a little bit extradimensional.

I personally dig 4 a little better than 3, just because you have full control of your party. However, beyond that they are basically the same engines. Both fantastic games.

Wow. I just recently saw that episode of The X-Files as well. That is some wild stuff right there.

Yeah, they are definitely talking about doing the current GotG. The one with the raccoon, mantis person, Giant Tree King, Drax the Destroyer (who would only make sense if Thanos showed up too), and Starlord. Maybe some Nova, Quasar, Mar Vell, or even Moondragon action as well.

I'm sorry... there was to be an X-Flies/Picket Fences crossover? That's easily the craziest fucking thing I've heard all day! Thanks!