
I'm totally with you on this. I really enjoyed this season, a lot. I found Marnie to be an interesting, and sympathetic character; until she totally lost it towards the end there, anyway. Also, I was impressed with the semi-authenticity of the Wiccan practices. Maybe, in retrospect, it's because I had such low hopes

Hotseat has been added in a patch a few months back now. You're finally good to go.

Well alright then. I guess that showed me. Now I want a pair.

Two questions: Why do we think Steve Newlin is not a vamp, despite all evidence shown on Sunday to the contrary? Why and How do we think Tara lived through a shotgun blast from three feet away to the face? I'm pretty sure that would have killed any creature on that show...

Yeah, because Games Workshop does not fuck around when it comes to infringing on their money making potential!

I love the idea that Doom would stiff somebody $200! He's a monarch for goodness sake! He could just print money! He truly is evilest of them all.

No. It was definitely Norman. But no she was not underage... the age gap would have been pretty extreme though.

I was with you until you decided to keep Alcide and Debi Pelt alive. Ugh. What utterly uninteresting characters. I'll trade you them for Arlene and Maxine any day, at least those ladies get some good and/or amusing lines.

Ah yes. I can understand that, and agree. I don't think they are going to reboot again anyway. I seem to recall reading an interview with Alex Kurtzman (I believe) somewhere where he basically was going on and on about the destruction of Vulcan being such an important plot point for where he wanted to take the series.

I dunno... no stranger than any other Doctor Who plot...

I know the feeling. Tennant was surely "My Doctor" as he would say, but you just have to get on board and roll with the punches. Imagine how The Doctor feels! He's had to warm up to ten new hims!

Just want to point out... Time travel and Alt-Universes are a pretty traditional part of Star Trek storytelling, going all the way back to Shatner himself. Hell, there were probably thirty or forty different time travel episodes in TNG!

Wow. I didn't even realize that wasn't make up. You should watch if you have any interest at all in crime dramas. It's a brilliant show, and that character in particular is one of the more tragic characters I've ever seen on a show. Plus he's a stone cold badass.

IIRC, the deaf guy was sort of a mercy killing, at least in Fauxlivia's mind, no? Either way, I think the "Other" versions make sense based on the world in which they exist. It's crumbling. They haven't even gotten organized enough globally to eradicate things like Smallpox an Tuberculosis (or they did, and some weird

Honestly, with Hellboy, it's best to start at the beginning and move forward the way it was written. At least in my opinion. There aren't hundreds of volumes to get lost in, and when the book splits into Hellboy and BPRD you can choose to only follow one or the other if you want, as they rarely reference each other.

Lol. Stompy1 is right I think. It really depends on the person.

Or Central City... or Keystone City... or Ivytown... or St. Roch... or Coast City... or Star City...

It is usually a few months after the DVD release... so for Matt's second series, you are in for quite a wait, as it is only half way through airing on television still.

I would pay a whole sixty extra bucks for that.

In the series The Exiles they did that sort of thing frequently. So yes, I agree with you that it's canon. Marvel has thousands of parallel Earths. Captain Britain also dealt with that idea quite a lot back in the eighties and nineties, if I recall correctly.