
I love how everyone is bitching about this review just because other sites reviewed it differently. You people need to get your priorities straight. If you don't wanna play the game, don't; but shut the fuck up about others' opinions.

Bunch of idiots. -_-

Yeah, he's been all over the fanboy wagon.

Look at the PS fanboy being a dumbass. I pity you.

Agreed. I don't mind the size too much though, it'll look better sitting with my DVR box than the PS4 would. PS4 looks pretty sexy but it would look so out of place with the rest of my entertainment center.

Correction: $400-500 on a console once every 3-7 years IF they don't have any hardware failures. Just because it's not a PC doesn't mean the hardware is without flaws, and you saw what happened with the RROD and YLOD with the 360 and PS3. Many people wound up having to replace their consoles, which would have cost

Yeah... I dunno about browser struggling, but I agree that it is entirely unnecessary.

Cape animation?! Holy crap!

No but in all seriousness, this has been long overdue. I know the game is meant to be easily run on basic crappy computers, but it was starting to look extremely dated as a result.

I might actually have to go back and play it when the new expansion comes out.

Yeah.. Sad world we live in.

I'm making stuff up? Yeah, okay. Keep on chugging Mr. Fanboy. Didn't realize people would go as far as to blatantly deny a fact due to their biases.

imo it went downhill come WotLK. Like, I liked the content but the gameplay/difficulty started to go downhill around that point. That and the community got shot to hell at that point.

Yes, I am. And what's so classic about someone defending someone who shares their opinion against someone who thinks it's cool to flame someone for a differing opinion?

You know what, I don't care. Keep your opinions to yourself since you can't share them constructively.

He had a point initially, but you turned it into mindless banter.

Which is why I am getting the 3DS XL that they designed for it. Two birds with one stone, I need a 3DS XL, and I get the game for $20.


Can't wait to pick this up on the 22nd. I have my LoZ 3DS XL pre-ordered already, just gotta pick it up. Gonna be a very eventful day... Picking up my XB1 and a 3DS XL... I'm going to be broke and have too many games to play hahah.

I also see that you are falling for his taunts time and time again, instead of being the bigger man and ignoring it.

I've read all the way to the end. I see that he has gotten to the point where he is trolling you so you'll shut up, and I can see why he did so, not that I advocate it.

It's heavily implied. You stated an opinion that he does not share, and then you called him a moron for having a different opinion. HEAVILY implied. If you can't see that, you have no business socializing with others and should go reflect on your stupidity.

Pretty much. I work for best buy and we are literally the only official retailer that carries physical media for music or movies in the area, and we're constantly shrinking our Media sections down. I give them about a year or so before they're out completely.

TV isn't physical media. Music and movies are going digital, there are very few places that actually carry Music and Movies in physical form, and those that do are cutting their selection down at an alarming rate. You're ignorant to what's going on around you if you believe physical media will never go away.

Also, the