
Yea, in the real world... this stuff only results in black eyes.

Everyone has the right to remain silent. What they lack is the ability.

Never allow a cop to search your car without a warrant or probable cause.

Might I also suggest: SHUT UP. Don't offer extra information. Don't say shit that you think won't incriminate you. If you're in some sort of "arrest zone", just STFU and ask for a lawyer. The cops are NOT your friends. Doesn't mean they're evil, but they really don't have your (a suspect to them) best interest in

Hey its the girl with the cleavage!

I'm sure the thumbnail was chosen completely by accident...

But there's no use crying over every mistake

It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

we're making a note here

Only one word can describe this entire scenario:

"three ISS crew members took their Soyuz out for a ride"

It appears to be a 3BK14 HEAT round

Nick Brandt's best friend is his mother.

Just where do you get your information from there, Spin Boy? Ancient alien re-runs of Mystery Science Theater 3000? Hey, I'm the illegal space alien that taught them everything they know over at the metal-particulate, high-density, mercury plasma division of Lockheed, so don't try to con me. My original design called

Tell me where the aliens touched you.

I can't believe you spoiled this party.

And don't tell me...the complete lack of any physical evidence is just proof of the conspiracy.

Let's worry about those obstacles when we get there, eh?