
Ugh. Just insufferable. Thank God you people mostly keep to yourselves.

Okay, I watched this one JUST FOR YOU after vowing to not bother watching any more of them.

We're not "haters"

We're right.

But I did watch the video, and it is like that.

You missed the 1991 Center for Disease Control revelation that the testing was bogus, the science was wrong, the dioxin levels in the town were not dangerous, the town should not have been evacuated, and the $250 billion in super fund spending was a complete waste.

The alternative rural method was to drive up some obscure road with the tanker of toxic goop, but you know, leaks happen. valves loosen.

Santa Bro: "I know where you've been sleeping, motherfucker!"

I'm pretty sure I never accused you of 'having your car keyed or smashed', nor do those things constitute being a sociopath- and by extension, they don't sound like cause for needing 'therapy' either. More like a law suit against the ones doing physical, tangible damage.

Cut a car thief some slack?

True that, but going all encompassing takes away from the Pulp Fiction-y aspect of it.

I can never understand how people can be so cowardly as to take advantage of an elderly person.


Sorry, but neither Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite had half the level of craft and detail that went into GTA V, I already played GTA V for 112 hours, while I could only bring myself to finish TLoU and Bioshock Infinite once.

Meanwhile Reggie debuted Cranky Kong in Donkey Kong Wii U.

Just where do you get your information from there, Spin Boy? Ancient alien re-runs of Mystery Science Theater 3000? Hey, I'm the illegal space alien that taught them everything they know over at the metal-particulate, high-density, mercury plasma division of Lockheed, so don't try to con me. My original design called

Tell me where the aliens touched you.

I can't believe you spoiled this party.

And don't tell me...the complete lack of any physical evidence is just proof of the conspiracy.

Let's worry about those obstacles when we get there, eh?