
These days, MLP toys are being sold to a certain male demographic ... Progress?

Woah, now it's "far more than sociopathy"! I keep getting worse. Good thing you jumped in, or I wouldn't have known how sick I am - also good to know that as a real live doctor, I can totally trust what you have to say, since you admit that it is intended to be an actual diagnosis. This keeps getting better.

Lol. That is one way of looking at it I guess.

My car has never been keyed or smashed up by anyone, let alone a coworker, but I'll trust your diagnosis.

Some googlin' would have told you that Abed Nadir is a Muslim character on a television show called Community. I am not Muslim myself. You are still confused, and possibly racist :( If you're that quick to jump to racial insults, it's not that surprising that you got keyed.

Sir, we are not the police, or your therapist. I think you are confused.

Ha! I laughed at those lines too. I wasn't expecting a porn parody to actually be this aware and tender with the source material. Colour me impressed.

Wait what?

Anyone reading this who finds these photos fascinating should consider taking up amateur astronomy. The first time you view saturn through your lenspiece and see how it really looks, right at this moment, is just amazing. And of course, the planets are just the beginning! :)

I like to think that aliens that have progressed to the point of this type of technology aren't immediately attacking everything they meet. I base that concept on the idea that an alien civilization would destroy itself before becoming inter-galactic if it was THAT reactionary.

Ha, you appear to like to think that I am a user myself (you've made a lot of assumptions about me actually - I'm a drunk I guess, and a tobacco smoker, and a lot of other things, right?), but no, it's not for me, since you asked. The people that I found irritating were those who I knew in college who were in to that

Yeah but no one is talking about the karma of aspirin, so I'm not really sure what your point is with that one. I also doubt that the ladies auxiliary is going to generally act as douchey as dealers always seem to.

Wow, people like you are why dealers are the worst people in the world - it's not a philosophy, it's a drug.

Haha I love that story. I have a stout, hearty Nova Scotian friend who I frequently enjoy lunch with, and he has a similar attitude towards the fish and chips - he will order it almost every time he sees it on a menu, and almost always be disappointed. "what... this fish must have been frozen."or "did they microwave

Thank you! The bread gets all mushy and weird, and then you've soaked perfectly good meat in weird meat-juice that isn't gravy but should be, and the whole thing is just a waste of good food. I feel like with some modifications I could produce a French dip sandwich that I do enjoy, but if I were to have that much

This comment thread is just awesome

This guy's belly is shocked at the size of that skull! :O

Can we all cry like whiney little children after? Because this story is SO DARK YOU GUYS THAT'S WHY EVERYONE IS CRYING.

You'll never convince me that guinea pigs are living organisms, you bastard!!!

Look, I play a wide variety of video games, many of them extremely violent, so what I have to say isn't being coloured by that type of bias. But here are some facts: