Another point in the animated version’s favor: Jackie Chan’s version of “I’ll make a man out of you” sung in Cantonese, with footage of him doing martial arts interspersed with scenes from the movie.
Your problem is not using actual assassination gear, not with not putting enough points in the tree. If you build your gear for assassination damage, you will one shot 99% of the human enemies in the game from stealth.
There is a huge chasm. Warren backed down from NHI when it became obvious that it was unworkable while Sanders never even considered that. While that’s a narrow policy difference, it’s huge in terms of administration type. People wanted the ideologue instead of the person who only agreed with them on merit and would…
I hated Clinton (mostly for her 2007 campaign), backed Warren (actually leaned toward Harris for a good while, until her poor management skills became public), and see why Warren was a terrible fit for both the radicalized zeitgeist and composition of competition. It was a terrible year to be a good potential president…
Seems like you are enlarging the relatively small difference between Sanders and Warren and making it a huge chasm.
2019 was not great for me. And multiple times I was having dark thoughts. The stupid little characters running as fast as their tiny legs took them to be amazed that I brought them the gift of a toilet (complete with a shallow pot, a torch and one towel) really helped me pull myself back up.
That’d be a great show....for me to poop on.
This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”
This writer needs to play more Jurassic Park games. Not including Tresspasser and Jurassic Park Sega CD is a huge oversight man! Maybe they were before your time?
This is a teachable moment, fellow travelers.
I went to that school when Mr. Zymeck was Assistant Principal and was also my Earth Science and Calculus teachers. ALso, the school was a lot more diverse back then before the District made it a school you had to “interview” for and white-washed it. Hes one of those teachers that leaves a lasting impression on you and…
Hold on now, straight into the pan? Are millenials eating chicken breast without any seasoning or marinating whatsoever? That’s the bigger sin in my book.
This is insulting to children and babies.
Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You may remember me from such elite career orientation videos as “So You Want To Run General Electric?” and “Orientation The Right Way: Welcome To the St. Louis Cardinals.”
Today we’ll learn together about the exciting world of being the President of the United States. First, welcome to the Oval…
You maybe can’t guarantee your kid the relatively easy life that we’ve enjoyed (up to, oh, mid-January 2017) but good people having kids teaching them what is right and necessary to do is a pretty important thing for us progressives to do. Just make sure you don’t have any Berniebros.
Seven decades of data say that isn’t what happens.
Hey, it could be worse. They could have called it the sWIItch.
Is this gonna turn into some goddamn logic puzzle? The staffer who ranked Andy Capp the highest was NOT the staffer that ranked Garfield above Peanuts. One staffer whose last name ends with “n” ranked Ziggy and Cathy the same....
This is a bunch of horseshit.
My face is going to age gracefully like a well-worn baseball glove. Like Robert Redford. I’m pretty sure he’d drink Bay Rum before putting any of this nonsense on his face.