
Those features won't convince me to buy your box. Tell me more about your games Microsoft! Seriously.

Soooooo, I literally can't play it anymore? At all?

I'll buy that for a dollar!

Thank you for the clarification!

My question- Is the game NOW worth buying?

If it's an exclusive, I will wait until games like Lost Odyssey are on the Xbox One's digital market. Play them. Enjoy the experience. And then, never again.

This would NEVER happen with the Kinect2, bio-sensor and all... it would go terminator on that invader family! ehehe

That was so messed up... then the wife came and it was all better again!

If there is a shuffle between PS3 PSVita and PS4; it is unlikely that the current value will decrease because the whole point of it is to grab subscribers. I am a PS+ user and I pay yearly, never regretted it one bit since day one. I get old games that I haven't tried or played and my back-log is actually increasing

Less than $5 a month is pretty decent even if you don't get the games you want or already have the games they offer. Not even considering the fact the they have 10-12 games in a monthly rotation process; for "free" or $5 less per month to be exact :)

Should I be worried that their games will just one day suddenly DISAPPEAR? Should I hastily buy all their physical & digital games?

It's time once again for the fans' voices to be heard... kickstarter time!

Cobb with ring, Cobb with no ring. That's all folks!

That's like taking away the ability to "pose" whenever you enter a boss room in the Mega Man Series!

From the photos above it looks similar enough.


Praise the Lord!


Any FF character that would make it, I will shit bricks!