
Should be able to do it for both, because both systems are actually with dual screens and touch.


Amen to that!

Amazing! Next, a Legendary Pokemon!

I hear it better from people than with Microsoft. Maybe they should have let other people do the talking. Honestly, MS messed up in promoting their product- too many holes with questions that led a lot of people to make their own speculations and assumptions.

He did a Microsoft 180! Zing!

MS got no backbone, they only have One.

A comment on the site pretty much nails it:

Wow, that was actually spot-on. Kudos to competition, it breeds change.

Interesting stuff! I also wonder if the bots have dialogue scrpits to try to pass off as "human". It seems really cool but at the same time it is saddening that such practices exist.

Holy shit! A girl in pajamas!

You are possibly right :)

Ah yes, I thought it was the unreleased Wii 5. Anyway, that is a crazy set-up, I have to admit!

I suppose, you'd think they would make it efficient though, I mean that's what it is all about right!

Ah yes, with much closer inspection it does appear to be that way. Thanks!

I don't really understand why ALL of them needs a single monitor. They are bots after all, who's going to need to look if they are in fact scripted?? You would only need one dedicated monitor to "see" if the scripts are working.......... You know, like CCTV style.

How? It's free.

Of course not, they will reverse it AFTER enough people buy the Xbox One! @_@

Force a company to reverse their DRM policy. CHECK!— NEXT: Force a company to revert to their previous DRM policy!

The people who were okay with it are now mad today! Your move Microsoft!