
“We’ll never be able to replace Reggie.”

I remember an E3 event a few years ago where Reggie was sitting a few rows away from me, just playing 3DS like the rest of us schlubs.

I’m assuming Piranha Plant is separate from the 5 New Fighters that is a part of the Season Pass.

Meanwhile over in another Nintendo fandom...

No one understands my art! (It was a typo.)

It’s pretty funny how some of these people are missing the dry humor/sarcasm in your comment and taking it super literal.

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

Kingdom Hearts is the dumbest shit in the world and I’m fucking here day one at midnight to get this game.

Comments (again) that this is wasteful and he should be doing it in GIMP, Affinity, InkScape, Vectr completely miss the point (again). Yes, those would be much more suited for the job, but then we wouldn’t be reading about it on Kotaku because there would be nothing special about them. The process is part of the art.

I always believed that the Man in Black was not actually Jacob’s brother, but rather a force of evil and destruction that the island was holding prisoner, acting like both a cork in a bottle AND the nexus of realities which kept “the wheel” of all realities on it’s axis.

Yeah, I always wonder why people eat apples when there are oranges, too.

“I don’t get why you would do a charcoal drawing when you can take a photo and use a photoshop filter to get the same effect.”

I feel like this is a bad example of the whole “over sensitive” thing. The ESRB’s whole point is to help parents choose what games are right for their kids age group. The poster was deemed not okay for the age group so it was moved to T, the game devs didn’t like that so they removed the poster and it was moved back

No, Heather. This is Highlander rules, there can only be one.

They even addressed that it’s been weeks, months probably. Why do we need to sit there and watch boring filler traveling. Everyones character arcs are either complete or nearly complete, we spent entire multiple seasons watching characters travel the distance that should have taken maybe 1 or 2 episodes at most. There

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.

Imagine doing something that you love, as in love more than most things. Now imagine getting payed for it. That’s what these esports players are doing. But to some of them, they are doing something that they love, but they do it so much that they start to dislike doing it. So, to go back to the beginning of what I

I still play my Xbox 360 on composite cables through a widescreen CRT, and yet somehow I still manage to have this “fun” everyone speaks of in regards to video games.

I got a Nintendo Switch for my kid.

I just want to say I appreciate the work you’re doing in these comment threads. You are appreciated.