
If Patricia posted this, you would still complain! lol
Patricia actually posts a lot of good reviews and articles. Everybody on Kotaku posts "silly" things all the time, ever since forever!
That recent Luigi's Mansion review, I bet you didn't know who wrote it.

I think it's great! Now let's see this tech make us some MONSTERS with.... wait for it... EXPRESSIONS!!!

Metal Gear Solid V = David Hater




At least these people deliver a finished product! #burn

Hear The Bird Scream DLC = $0.49

You have to pay $6.99 to be able to enter the final dungeon and to have an encounter with the final boss, that's another $2.99! I love this game!!!!!!

So it's GTA with Zombies?

I am 15 seconds closer to buying a Wii U!!!!! YEEEEESSS! Almost there!!!

Vanillaware should re-think that Barbarian girl's armor! Uh... she's a Barbarian right?

Seriously?! Not a single upskirt?! I'm disappointed in you Japan! :P

This must be where all the online computing goes that EA was talking about... SUPERB!

I can't believe I watched through the entire thing!

And maybe this is why I have revisited LoZ: A Link to the Past several times. That nostalgia factor. That time when I did THIS, and now I want to do THAT. Or that feeling, knowing that somebody else experienced the (almost) exact same thing I did in dungeon #5.


I'll buy it when they have paid DLC of SPIDERMAN as a playable character!
(And other jump crazy characters too! 'cept for Mario bkuz face it, that's never gonna happen)

Could always wait for this game to go discounted or FREE on the PS+, one can dream!

No more freebies :P