All these terrorists self-radicalizing on the internet. Oh wait, when white guys brandish weapons in public places bc of shit they read on the internet, they’re just “passionate” and “misguided.”
One sure sign this is correct: every single person (read: psycho) that has an inspirational quote in their email signature uses some odd ass font for the quote. Exponential crazy.
The written request form hits way too close to home.
It’s real it’s real it’s real. I once moved hemispheres deliberately missing summer and it was the best year of my life - two autumns, two winters. I was like a kid in a candy store. And then I got diagnosed with reverse SAD.
Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.
The sad story of the Third Pound Burger you not breathe the same air other people do all day?
This stuff shouldn’t be seen as chores. It’s just life; the shit that needs to be done so you can have fun doing other stuff. My wife and I just do stuff. She asks if I did something, I ask if she did something, we ask the kids if they did something. If the answer is No, someone - usually the person who asked - goes…
Because I’m a depraved millennial.
It’s great if you want to be inconspicuous or if you like a lot of hand gestures!
This reminds me of the Pace salsa commercials of the 90's.
He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.
Wait, what the hell is “bread cheese?” That looks identical to queso blanco (frying/grilling cheese), except rebranded to not sound foreign so it can be marketed to yuppies at Whole Foods.
You don’t sound like an asshole. I think a lot of people lie about how wonderful it is simply because they are afraid to sound like an asshole. And I don’t feel pressure to have kids, it’s just something I think about now that I’m getting into my 30's, but the advantage of having someone to change your diapers in…
I have only felt true contentness once in my life. It was the right combination of tequila, good company, spicy burritos and that getting off of work in the middle of the afternoon free-ness. I been chasing that high ever since with more tequila and spicy food.
For Masters degrees in science and engineering, you shouldn’t really be paying anything at all. Between TA, RA, and corporate reimbursement, you should be only paying basic living expenses. Most labs and major engineering firms have programs that allow you to do night school masters courses and get the degree with…