

Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.

But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.

I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans

What! I will have you reported to the Pintrest Police for this blasphemy. There is nothing that Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, and Turmeric (all preferably organic and free-range and non GMO) cannot solve.

Canada is practically Mad Max times now because of their healthcare system.

Right, because Europe’s economies collapsed all the way back in the 1950s when they adopted universal healthcare. They’ve never recovered and still live in squalor.

Replying you to reiterate and highlight this passage you said:

we throw billions of dollars at mythical “terrorists” while heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, car accidents and more cause many many many many more premature deaths than “terrorists”

it can say whatever it wants on the can. hell, duct tape says on the label that you can use it on ducts....but you shouldn’t. especially heating ducts. because it’s HORRIBLE for sealing duct work.


Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.

Who wants to choose between having one more large slice of pepperoni-sausage-mushroom or one more large slice of Hawaiian when you can a smaller slice of each? Nobody, that’s who.

Well, the sort they want doesn’t exist. However, there are many other models we could adopt that would be better than Obamacare. Those would be even more socialist, though.

I could have sworn there was a Good Eats episode where Alton debunked the mushrooms absorbing water thing. Whatever I’m thinking of, using a scale they found the amount to be so minute as to be insignificant.

It’s like you have not paid attention to this article. It’s been common knowledge for ages (its gotta be 10 years since Good Eats ripped it apart) that nearly zero moisture is added by washing mushrooms. Urban legend/old wives tale.

People often ask why I am taking my cat for a walk.

I’m not objecting.

How high are you right now?

Learning to sharpen on whetstones is MUCH easier than you might think. It didn’t take anytime for me to pick it up. It is very satisfying and relaxing to me and you always have sharp knives! There are some great pro’s with excellent videos on YouTube and blogs like Peter Nowlan’s to give you confidence and get you

I try to listen, read, educate myself. I want to be an ally, link arms and bring WOC and LGBT along. I’ve debated going and supporting BLM. However, there’s been concern that it will be seen as co-opting and unwelcome. How can one be an ally, when the perception of me could be the very problem?

Congratulations on your opinions on the Israel-Palestine conflict — they seem to align with my own. You’ll note that at no point did I say that all Orthodox Jews are against it, I made reference to their general representation. I’m not stereotyping, I’ve gone to Orthodox synagogues my entire life and have many friends