I’m willing to take one for the team and win the lottery and then report back on my level of happiness. I care that much.
I’m willing to take one for the team and win the lottery and then report back on my level of happiness. I care that much.
When a state like New York adopted the standards, they probably got a bunch of SUNY mathematics faculty together to write course materials for the whole state.
This is also why I think home economics and workshop skills/industrial arts (“shop class”) should be dominant parts of early education curricula, as they are very amenable to nesting the expected skills of that age range (particularly math) in an accessible way. It also gets the little shits up to basic…
“(Benioff and Weiss) decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects”
“Passive income” is a propaganda term. Please use the proper term “Rent-Seeking.”
This is a good message and I would add that kids are generally more capable than we give them credit. Use big words, talk lots to your kids, use adult conversation, read to them and have high expectations are all helpful ways to improve your child’s vocabulary.
Just go full GoT and come up with a sigil while you’re at it!
Also having an easy baby is strongly linked to smugness and bragging about your own excellent parenting methods in comment sections.
a trip where I would be camping, but also attending a wedding
Agreed. I feel like at the first hit he would have known it was real. And god bless him, if Snoop handed me a joint of his shit I would suck that down and have the best day of my life.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone has ever had to “trick” Matty McC into anything involving pot.
The key difference in the end being that Republican voters admire and continue to vote for politicians who shoot themselves in the dick. Democrats tend shred one another for self-inflicted dick shootings.
I think even if it’s an acceptable situation to bring up the bright sides, saying “at least” minimizes the pain the other person is going through. Saying “I’m so sorry”, then, later in the conversation “I’m glad you were able to say goodbye” is better than “At least you were able to say good bye”.
tons of lime juice. avocado for garnish
Nice to know, from a scientific standpoint, what happens to a fry deferred.
The kid’s meals are cheaper because they’re smaller portions, not to mention simpler to prepare. So what if a grown adult wishes to order off that menu? Maybe they’re just not quite that hungry, or a particular menu item looks like it’ll just hit the spot! Is there a LAW that says “Hey there, you 15-year-old boy, you…
Shit, I gotta watch Children of Men
Dolores??!!?? Mulva???!!??
“If you don’t get in the bathtub right now, I’m going to kick your and.”
This. The lack of distinction between apology “I’m sorry” and empathy “I’m sorry” is a cultural problem.