i disagree with you too. i think the analogy makes a lot of sense.
i disagree with you too. i think the analogy makes a lot of sense.
“Creative design is a complex process that can be applied from everything to making products to creating company logos.”
if it’s rested enough it should stretch out very easily. You *can* get to a point where it’s so relaxed that it stretches too easily, so watch out! the balance is where it’s just loose enough to bounce back a tiny bit when you stretch it. Really, it’s less about technique and more about waiting for it - the dough…
the key is allowing the gluten to relax. If you find that it’s too tough to get it thin, let it sit for at least 10 minutes (possibly more) and try it again.
oh my. thanks for the info. I’ll make sure to never eat those things again.
through active exposure. i think the general idea is to try different things in a contentious way. That is, pay attention along the way. But really, there’s no way to know until you try :-)
always wear a helmet
Yeah, it takes practice!
See george costanza’s reply below... Kenji is not a snobby kind of guy, this was basically just a joke. Kenji is about eating good food regardless of its current cultural status - he’s as much into gourmet food as he is about comfort food, street food, and junk food. for example, his article about grilled cheese using…
after all, it IS the style at this time.
my first rule of parenting to myself is: don’t fuck them up. I’m going to try to do my best for them, instill virtues in them, give them opportunities etc. But it’s almost like a hippocratic oath: above all, just don’t fuck them up, whatever you do. And for the most part, it’s not a very hard rule to follow!
uh, honestly. I have some laying hens at home. Most eggs come out visually clean. They still came out of a chicken butt though! the waxy coating is there to protect the inside FROM the outside! keeping the waxy coating or washing it off doesn’t change the fact that the outside came from chicken butt.
eggs come out of cloaca, which to quote wikipedia is “the posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts” ... i think i’ll use the muffin tin.
I agree again. I have tried this and it doesnt work because the hot glue is so much thicker - and i used the high temperature setting!
You can’t always tell by it’s physical appearance. The medicine can change in more subtle chemical or physical ways that change either what the drug compound actually does, or how it does it. If your pain killer degrades by 10 %, you might still feel like it’s working... but what if that new 10 % is now actually…
if the last time you rode the subway was 15 years ago, why would you suspect that to change? in any event, is a token fundamentally different from a card? give the guy a break, it’s not like he said that you ride the subway by having your personal attendant summon a train for you.
how does the wrong angle ruin the knife? how wrong does the angle have to be?
or even the basic no-knead recipe.
Meanwhile, HF has very kindly and easily been satisfying returns on their pittsburgh brand hand tools!
and sticky.... they slowly polymerize to leave a nasty gunk behind.