exactly :)
exactly :)
The difference is basically that sandpaper, or any other abrasive-based method, is in principle going to get you as sharp as a professional sharpening service. I have used the same type of sharpener you linked to, and they work barely well enough to be considered “sharp”.
yeah, as long as it gets it sharp, and cleanly so, what’s wrong with sandpaper on nice knives?
you’re not using enough butter :) an omelette is essentially an egg where the outside is crisped in butter and the inside is still soft.
you’re not using enough butter :) an omelette is essentially an egg where the outside is crisped in butter and the…
But a to-do list isn’t static - I’m always adding stuff to mine. Completing my to do list just means (to me) that I’m currently staying afloat - par, if you will!
perhaps you’re thinking of a biscuit joiner?
Except the big problem with adding things to the liquor is that flavor still wont mask the sharp sting in the back of your throat you get with cheap alcohol. More expensive alcohols may have more highly developed flavors, but they also tend to be a hell of a lot smoother than the cheap stuff. You might fool me with…
i could see this being a quick and dirty trick if you really need it in a pinch - but then, why not just whack it out a chisel if you don’t need it very precise? Anyway, for a little more work you can make one that is a bit easier to adjust and is all around better. He mentions how to increase depth of cut, but not…
yeah, this suggestion is ridiculous. First, what’s the vinegar for? it evaporates almost instantly. Then, as you said, the olive oil will only get gummy. Wrong tools for the wrong problem!
Why I’ve Stopped Giving Unsolicited <del>Health</del> Advice
sounds like you need some snakes to take care of those mice.
wow my circles are WAY more casual than that... the points mentioned in the article are universal - they work for any party anywhere any time.
60/40 is for his non-retirement account, which i presume he means to be more stable and conservative. I would imagine his retirement funds are allocated more aggressively.
repeat this to yourself: All I have to do is do the work, then the work will be done!
that's just like, you opinion, man.
I totally do this too! I love me some NPR podcasts... I've been hiding under a rock and just discovered podcast managers, and it makes all this easy and seamless.
I got 20/20 on the smile test, which is a little... unnerving. I'm not sure what this means. Am I anti-anti-social or something?
this happened to me except in reverse! I ordered a 20 ft truck and got a 10'. fortunately my move was only 20 miles away (not like, cross country) so my multiple trips were not TOO terrible a burden, but i was pissed.
i'm not really sure about this either. The other thing is, as you get better at woodworking, your eye for quality - your taste - improves... so the stuff you would have bought increases in value. Which then makes your woodworking hobby more worthwhile :)
and the only thing worse than the death grip or wet fish is the overhanded death grip. that just spells douche bag. you may as well wear a pinky ring if you offer me a "handshake" with your hand faced palm down instead of your hand perfectly vertical like a decent human being.