
Wow, you think I am mad? Dude, I barely even consider you a human, I just find it funny that you are allegedly this rich 27 year old, but you bitch like a child about a free website mocking your orange faced savior. You’re the most hilarious thing online today, son, keep the laughs coming.

So I guess Trump has a Deadspin account and his own Twitter account, because both are putting up some insane rantings today!

“Maybe if politicians actually put *effort* into statecraft, Washington could come to some *compromises.*”

Your point would be better without that extra “of”, slick. I guess America isn’t made “of of” well educated posters either.

I am an idiot, I meant to say “slavery”. Foot in mouth, and all.

Cool, spend more of your time making that “money” at your “job”, and less bitching about free websites that hurt your brain because they make fun of your shitty candidate. Congrats though; I didn’t realize cleaning the slushy machine at 7/11 paid that well, though I guess the free hot dogs must make up for it. It’s

Still waiting on an actual list of examples.

Told ya...

Oh I can, it was a sucker punch and it is the only thing Texas fans can be proud of right now. Honestly, I just don’t care enough about it. Some of us can focus on October being a positive, and not as another hilarious loss in the playoffs for Texas. We’re done here; reply if you want, I will just reject it like it


No zings needed; some of us still have teams in the playoffs, others were embaressed and swept out by a wild card team. But hey, nice punch by that one guy, right?

Dude, you were just commenting on Dragon Ball fucking Z TODAY. Nice cartoons, you are definitely one to judge other’s taste in media. Move along, I think your mom is making you some chocolate milk for lunch time.

Wow, these grapes are sure sour. Sorry about your team, it’s really sad!

We also had slaves in the 1700s, but no one is saying something as fucking dumb as “racism has a long tradition”

It must be nice to have all of the free time to write this post instead of preparing for the next round, right?

“And Hillary has committed similar gaffes”

I mean, maybe, but who else is going to read the slash fiction novel you are writing where that event happens, “President Trump and Putin: A Lust Story”?

Well, this comment was only two days later, so I guess you are shitty at comebacks AND a liar. Maybe you should stay off of the internet more often, it will be less embarrassing for you

It only took you a week to think that one up? I am so proud of you, though I am not sure how your idiotic rantings with crayons made it on the computer, but good job, sweetie!

Well, why would they not say fuck you for supporting a racist piece of trash? Allow me to add it it; fuck off, asshole.