It’s very easy; don’t read it!
It’s very easy; don’t read it!
“She’s getting a huge pass on an extremely damning issue because the alternative is so much worse.”
THANK YOU! People prefering Hillary to Bernie is not rigging the system. Outside of few debates (which Hillary usually won anyways), how was the primary rigged?
This description could be used for many politicians who have higher likeability ratings than she does.
So she boycotts the team and literally nothing happens, because it’s forgotten as soon as it happens. Or, she gets called a hypocrite by a few asses on the internet, but guess what? Thousands of people are talking about it. She’s not protesting the US Soccer team, so it’s fucking stupid to say she should quit the…
You are wrong for so many reasons in this post:
Is there zero racism? No? Is there zero attacks on LGBT? No?
But the person who is only making $70K a year is also going to be less likely to have any real impact in a similar situation. Also, Kap’s a football player; he could be blackballed from only employer option in the country. That’s a big risk as well.
He also doesn’t know the definition of an 82-game season
“Just a thought I’m honestly lacking in really strong feelings on either side of the soccer issue.”
“It’s the equivalent of an nfl player “taking a knee” douring a drug test by deciding he will not comply.”
Like a football player who could be cut and lose millions of dollars? Those seem like decent stakes.
Such a fucking stupid take. This is like saying “Obama is president, so there is no more racism!!”
And you have the right to be wrong. Loving something doesn’t mean loving it blindly, when you can have an actual adult thought in your head.
She doesn’t hate her country, you twit. She’s trying to continue to bring attention to a major problem that people in this country face. She’s literally doing what this country was founded on; fighting oppression and standing up for those without a voice. Sorry that’s too complicated, she should just be yelling “Fuck…
No, because if she refused to be on the team, no one would get the opportunity to hear her opinion on this issue. Also, adults can love their country and still think it has issues. That’s what growing up and stopping childish things means; having more than simple opinions about complicated matters.
By ironically, I mean those who act like SJWs are a bad thing. Usually asshole racists against “PC culture”, i.e., they wish they could still use the n-word in mixed company.
Eh, any asshole who uses the term “SJW” non-ironically wasn’t voting for anyone but Trump anyways.
Sorry I didn’t bring a “hot sauce up the ass” take, but way to take advantage of that Word-of-the-Day calendar on your desk for this post! Enjoy being a non-factor in the world, buddy. I’ll just plan on rejecting anymore of your “hawt taeks” from here on out.
Only two days to think up that one? Cool, also, you’re still a joke and you literally added nothing to the conversation. So basically, you ARE who you actually think Kaepernick IS. Irony!