
Oh, so you aren’t serious about this conversation. I put up an article about $2 million dollars being donated, and you want specific names? Next time, just post “I’m a troll who doesn’t understand social issues” and everyone will save time. You’re a fucking joke, kid. Move along.

You said it would help no one, and you were wrong. But hey, you got to make another post, so you win?

Cool, it’s always good to be able to admit when you’re wrong.

He already is. Next!

Or he can just be black and have an opinion; that’s all it takes for Trump’s america.

Millions of dollars have already been donated to minority causes, sooooo I guess you are full of shit? Yep, I think that’s it.

Ya, totally bro. I mean, why the hell do rich dudes get to have an opinion on something that impacts their entire community. Slap me five, and give me another Bud Light!

So you want me to prove something YOU are claiming isn’t happening, something you have literally no knowledge of, and basing an entire post on? Cool move, shouldn’t you be at the Trump rally?

So you actually don’t know that they aren’t doing this, but you continue to attack. Thanks, mid-30s middle class white guy (just playing the averages here)!

Do you know he didn’t, or did you just want to have another hot take? Probably the latter, right? Thanks, bye

Still upset about that mouthy bitch who turned you in for just having a little fun, who cares if she was blacked out, she wanted it, right bros, AMIRITE?!

“These kinds of articles just continue to burn the fires of racial tension and hatred”

Ha, Hail Mary? More like an easy handoff, considering Breitart’s editor is on staff with Trump. Speaking of desperate, Trump’s the one rolling back his ONE SINGLE ISSUE. Enjoy President HRC.

Ha, dude won’t slip from the top 20, maybe the top 10. He loses out, but not that much.

True, a great franchise with a long history of success is definitely the right team to push their players around. I mean, I am surprised they can even write checks with all of the Super Bowl rings they have on their fingers!

Sure, and I am sure you see more cocks and/or tits than you want. I think it just fits in overall with Instagram, etc as ways kids interact (i.e., high school, college age). Im on the cusp of millenial/Gen X, so I don’t use either one too much, but my wife teaches and they LOVE it. I am sure our parents thought

People degrade Snapchat, etc, and they aren’t totally wrong. However, it also has been another social media outlet that lets the world shrink down, and to let people see how others outside of their little circle of friends exist. Not always a good thing, but there’s a reason this generation is the most tolerant ever.

So you are saying your generation hasn’t done shit? That’s pretty sad. I am not a millenial, by the way. I just think every generation attacks the next, while forgetting the horrible things their own group of idiots have done.

You do know that millennials needed to create Snapchat, a $20 billion business, in order for you to make your bad joke? Cool, thanks.