
You do know all his mom did was make a simple 2 sentence FB post, right? It’s not like she’s the one who is negotiating.

Ya, Lebatard is definitely still a big fan of LBJ.....


Ohhhhh, so this is what Brock Turner would have looked like if he graduated from college. Thanks!

A statics course?

“Next morning escort them to the city limits. This was standard practice until we somehow decided that behavior was acceptable and that we were compassionate and generous to allow it.”

All-sad, all-tragic, but fuck em, amirite bro?!

No, it’s not just the journalists. We all want you to fuck off too.

Get that all out of your system now? Cool, good job.

I recognize Lebron James and Steph Curry are great basketball players, but that doesn't mean anyone wants to watch me play. Man, Simmons has some knob-polishers on here. Isn't there a 90210 marathon you guys should be watching in between Entourage episodes?

Thanks, Internet tough guy. Make sure you high five yourself for that sweet burn later tonight, because no one else gives a shit.

Oh, I am so sorry. Sorry, that is, I somehow made you think I gave a fuck what you thought. Save your response too, I seriously don’t care and you could be spending your time better in other areas of your life.

Maybe you should have told your fellow catcher that he shouldnt talk shit when a guy is running to home then.

Cool, thanks for being a stalker. Move along now.

I think Simmons sucks, which in the grand scheme of things isn’t a “hawt taek”; a lot of people think he sucks, and billions more don’t even know he exists. If your own feelings about something are impacted by a random stranger on the internet who doesn’t give a shit about you, that is the issue here.

And you are that guy who complains about Deadspin and Gawker, but can’t stop posting. In other words, a hypocrite who I couldn’t care less about. Buh-bye.

Told ya

You obviously do, since you keep going with this issue. And I will call you sir, since labels seem to hurt your precious feelings so very much. Sensitive, just like your buddy Simmons.

Sorry sweetie, I forgot my first tweet was directly made at you and thus you have a legit reason to have your panties in a bunch. I think Simmons sucks and is over-rated, deal with it. Maybe a random person on the internet shouldn’t bother you too much?