
Wow, this is really well-written. Nice work.

“Traditional-values families are transing children for picking a certain colour blanket because for them having a straight trans child seems easier than a gender non-conforming or gay chil”

Sure, we need a Fox News equivalent on the sports side, and Barstool does a great job of that!

Is there another poster putting up amusing things at the same time, and we are equally amusing you? That seems your style.

I have no idea what you are talking about here.

Are you talking about me again? I am not a UofA fan at all, just live in AZ. Still waiting to hear who you cheer for when your teams play against each other.

AZ is a state, and the Wildcats are actually UA. Is my name UABuckeye? No, it’s not. Do I cheer for UA? No, because they are lame and my favorite team is Ohio State, because I’m over 8 years old. Now, you are wrong about two things.

Yeah, that’s weird. Pick one.

You can’t have two favorite teams after you turn 8 years old. If you are 8 years old, well, your sentence structure is top notch.

And it’s easy to make a bullshit argument when you never feel like supporting it with actual facts. Toddle away, kid. I’m done, and will just dismiss any other bullshit you want to put up...unless, it’s an actual argument, and not snark. I doubt you have that though, so I’ll wait with baited breath your next

So you can’t make an argument, and you lack reading comprehension? This is all starting to make a lot more sense.

Well, obviously you don’t, since you don’t actually have shit. Thanks for admitting it, only took a day. You be good now, son.

Got it, so because Bennett apologized for being an ass in one circumstance, the other 3-4 examples he brought up about Bennett’s immaturity no longer apply? Cool.

When have I ever stood up for his point? I’ll wait; it’s definitely not in the same place as the 7 different arguments you have made to defend your original dumbass “sports journalism is immature” point that you have smartly stopped defending.

So, that’s another new point; that putting sports up as important is immature. As sports are multi-billion dollar businesses, their importance can be debated, but that also wasn’t your original point about sports journalism either. Oh well, enjoy your day.

So, that’s another new point; that putting sports up as important is immature. As sports are multi-billion dollar businesses, their importance can be debated, but that also wasn’t your original point about sports journalism either. Oh well, enjoy your day.

One, this article wasn’t up when you originally wrote your comment. Two, you’re now arguing a point you didn’t make. You said sports journalism was immature. If you want to retract that to now argue the author was wrong, cool. Just admit your original point was bullshit.

Ok, I will be serious. You think being a sports reporter is immature. Most reporters have at least 4-year degree, and have years of writing experience (not always just in sports) before being granted that position.

Do you actually think you are making a point here? Is having a job as a sports reporter immature? I don’t see Calkins kicking the Slushee machine at your job, buddy.