
Don’t be an asshole.

Good point; I am always haunted by the cancerous lung pictures they put on the side of my Arizona Ice Tea bottle.

I this said “urination frequency” at first....then decided that seems more fitting for this toilet bowl of an idea.

I wonder who fingered them?

Shut the fuck up, asshole.

ESPN being terrible does not mean Simmons isn’t an immature douchebag. They can both be true (and are).

“I” “really” “liked” “his” “appropriate” “use” “of” “sarcastic” “air” “quotes”. “Who” “says” “millennials” “don’t” “know” “how” “to” “write”?

Ha, yes it’s the Dodgers fans who need the warning.....

Three idiots, gambling, pop culture references, claims of being more of a player than he actually is....yep, that’s our Simmons!

Totally! I mean, he sucked at the ESPN teet for like a decade and tossed a few minor jabs during that time, kind of like a rebellious 14-year old girl, but now he’s a TOTAL REBEL......after taking millions of dollars from the company. Just because ESPN can be terrible doesn’t make Simmons any less douche-tastic.

False. Fake drama, annoying personalities on both sides, and the hosts are terrible people. Fixer Upper is the actual answer here.

This is a stupid response. Please sto posting.

We are sorry a popular athlete fucked your girlfriend in high school and you never got over it. It wasn’t Harper though, so you don’t need to cheer for another asshole choking him.

Can you be from a country that uses appropriate amounts of punctuation?

I am waiting on the punch line, but I guess thinking a mascot should get $160,000 a year is funny enough.

From your asinine argument here, I can only guess how UNbiased you are about this story yourself. STFU and move along.

So I guess in this metaphor, your sense of humor and spelling ability is in the casket?

This is laughably wrong. OSU, MSU, and Wisky are probably the only teams that can keep up with the top half of the league. You put any other Big 10 team against the top 4-5 teams in the Pac-12, it’s not even close, and I think they would struggle with the middle rung teams as well, especially on the West Coast (Big 10

ASU and U of A would run any team not named Ohio St or Michigan St out of the stadium. ASU would beat PSU by2-3 tds

As an Ohio State fan in Phoenix, I wish the Big 10 was anywhere close to the level of Pac-12.