Thanks, 1800’s gentleman with a long cane and pointy beard!
It’s truly, truly, truly outrageous!
Are you actually a fucking asshole, or do you just play one on Deadspin?
Shit, I didn’t know Floyd Mayweather posted on Deadspin!
You spelled “does” wrong
That’s one high quality response you got there!
Shitty post, bro
So two of these refer to the same incident, and the third is her being drunk. No one said Solo is a good person, but to compare her to Floyd is asinine. Please try to bring up a cogent argument, or else you are wasting everyone’s time.
So one family fight = a long history of beating women? Your mother must be proud!
Didn’t read the article, I guess?
Which part of “move along” confused you? Never mind, I don’t have a week to wait for you to formulate a response. You’re done here.
It took you a week to come up with that, or you just needed someone to type in your crayon-scribbled thoughts into the computer? Either way, what a waste of both of our time!
“However what is more sickening is certain media heads acting like parasites pretending to actually care about Harris when the truth is that you all just want to get your names linked with Mayweather’s”
Troll harder, this is weak
Self control is what you needed before posting this bullshit.
Multiple profanity laced responses from an ill-educated ass? Yup, you definitely aren’t hanging on my every word. Unlike you, I don’t need to pretend to be something I am not to be laid. Since you are a dipshit, you obviously do, though from your brilliant repertoire, I am guessing GHB is the way you get panties to…
Like I said, no one really gives a shit.
Actually, the most offensive thing is that you think your opinion is worth a shit. Move along, boy.
I’d ask which part of “No one gives a shit what you think” was confusing, but between your grammar and your alma mater, I'd guess all of it. Move along, son