Dude, STFU, no one cares what some asshole from Rutgers thinks about jack-fucking-squat. Move along, son.
Dude, STFU, no one cares what some asshole from Rutgers thinks about jack-fucking-squat. Move along, son.
Ha, no one is jealous of anything Boston-related outside of sports.
But then we would be racist with tiny cocks, like the rest of Boston fans. Enjoy the sweep.
“I am not going to address what he did or didnt do”
Sick burn, dude. Go ahead and high five your computer screen; you earned it.
Calling a man a woman’s name in order to mock them IS actual sexist bullshit. Just because it isn’t equivalent to rape or disparity in pay doesn’t make it any less bullshit. Once again, you can do both. You don’t WANT to do either, so by saying “aren’t there more important things to worry about?!”, you avoid actually…
And we can only pay attention to ONE thing at a time, because if one thing isn’t perfect, how can we even consider looking at another potential problem!?
The guy who said “I used to be a supporter of gay marriage until it got so militant.” also said “The only bigots are the ones forcing their deviant lifestyle on the world.”?? You are so full of shit your eyes are brown, kid.
Were you born a complete fucking idiot, or did eating paint chips while living under power lines turn you that way?
Ha, I appreciate that then, with how much it likely hurt (but at least we both hate Michigan!).
That pro-style history sure helped Christian Ponder.
Please say that again....just slower this time.
“A little life lesson for you here, when someone disagrees with you, it’s possible you could be wrong too. That even works for liberals.”
I don’t know how the rest of the people felt about it, but I know I sure had fun!
Then ignore her and don't give her money. It's a magical thing, this free choice we have!
The first thing you have been right about all thread. At least you can admit being bested!
Ha, going nowhere? Looks like I have a lot more favorites than your zero.
Wow, that's your retort? I would use copy and paste videos if I was coming up empty like that too, slick. Back to the kid's table for you; adults are speaking here.
Did this go the way you were hoping?
Congrats, you know how to copy and paste other's opinions without the effort of creating your own! Here's your cookie, dipshit