
Fireplug Ed

2 within 6 years is old news? Cool man, enjoy being a fan of another NFC East team

Not even a Giants fan, but I think they are ok with their 2 recent Super Bowl championships. Unless you are an Alabama fan, there's a good chance your team sucks more than the Giants.

Obscurity complaints from a burner account....very meta

It's so unfortunate how they force you to read this free content on the Internet!


What do I need to argue? Redskin has been used as a racial slur in the past, while blackskin isn't even a real term. That's like saying, whats the difference between wetback and brownskin. When there's no argument but straw-man bullshit, there's nothing you can say. Some people are just willingly obtuse (or just

This is the worst comment ever commented ever

We're still waiting for you to leave

You should have just wrote the last four words of this post and you would have saved us a lot of time

No, but I can tell that your education has failed you

In the dumpster, with other unfunny lazy comedies

Wow, you would give her your whole cock?

"But I forget that in today's world, not having the popular opinion means you are the worst human ever and deserve to die"

I know, right? I mean, it's not like there is anywhere else on the internet to see a woman's breast!

"According to 19th century whites, blacks promotes degeneracy in the general population. It doesn't matter what you or I think is worthy of imprisonment, it matter what 19th century Americans think"

Yeah, you assholes; why can't you tolerate his ignorance and intolerance?!

And that was obviously the best way to explain his position

"He says he still think this whole spat is more funny than anything, but wonders how long he has to be reminded of his arrests."

"And what fuckstick actually recommended this?"