It's so hard being a white person
It's so hard being a white person
They have done this since their inception so it's worked to this point
Well, this one has 100+ comments and the other one is a commentator's blog, so I guess it's pretty popular.
The article didn't make that statement though, it was in the medical report. You act like people are making a jump based on nothing, instead of what the autopsy stated.
Blurred Lines-Eh?
Great PFT commenter impression!
I've already shown you are an idiot racist who can't follow a conversation, win an argument, or complete an adult sentence. How about you "do something" and shut the fuck up. Also, don't procreate; one fucking knob job like you is enough.
You aren't good at posting. Please stop
looking at your comment, I'm reminded Sherman should have finished off the job
We all wish you were that white homeless dude...
Ha, ya because calling someone a cocksucker or showing how stupid you are about polls is really original. Also, since you are the one who hates anyone who isn't Aryan, I am pretty sure the reclusive one isn't me. You need to spell-check your screen name on here; you spelled BagOfShit wrong
Says the guy who drops the fact he's a boxer in a post (along with his brown eyes and hair....weird). Your library is probably closing soon, so someone else is going to need that computer.
Wow, racist, uneducated, and intolerant? You are going to make some white trash TGIF waitress very happy...until you accidentally kill her on a steroid rage after realizing being an amateur boxer means more than getting in slap fights with your brosefs after a kegger.
So you don't know how polls work, and you toss out facts from one of the best colleges in the world because it's in New Jersey (which has a Republican governor)? Avoid another more blows to the head, Dipshit Balboa; you can't stand to lose anymore brain cells.
Try doing some research before spouting idiocy:…
Surprising that a dick like you doesn't know how to read a poll:…
Sorry people won't tolerate your intolerance. As a strong defender of marriage, how is your support of criminalizing divorce going?
I know, fuck people who take to Deadspin to post their opinions about others. who cares what they think? Most of them are idiots with silly names anyways.....right smasheroo?
"Fuck it. Just put a monkey on a bike with the ball and have a Bear chase him down."
From this comment, I am to guess the rest of your last name is "livious"?