
She's probably thinking, "My dad is such an asshole, I need to get completely catatonic to forget him"

Because it was fucking stupid and uninformed and completely disrespectful to the girl who was raped. Do you need more reasons?

Is Chronic Overreaction the name of your post? Jesus, create a blog

I also enjoy Drew Magary's humor

Yes, because gay athletes are totally accepted and he would have no worries about being blackballed because of his sexuality. Also, who gives a shit if it's for publicity if it inspires others to take a stand earlier in their careers?

The sad thing is this comment has already been suspended for 4 games due to PEDs

Only if the Pats cut him during the bye week, and he signs with an Australian football league. If you honestly think he will start over Brady, I don't know how to end this sentence because it's that stupid

Ha, touche

So why read the article?

Despite how good he is (or isn't), it's idiotic to say Tebow signing somewhere isn't news with how popular and polarizing he is. Also, despite NSA's efforts, we still live in America so you are completely free to skip over these articles you see as unworthy. Isn't freedom awesome?

You know they are still allowed to report on news here at Deadspin, right?

I know, it's like different teams are judged based on their past actions and success rates. DAMN YOU PRISM!

What's a breath cunt lapper? And how would I ever hold it?

Great comeback. I will look forward to the next one in late August

Yep, like those handouts to oil companies and banks. Damn those losers!!

In other words, they don't tolerate intolerance. Yes, that's correct

It's always great to read a fully thought out post that explains a counter-point in a succinct and efficient manner. Well done

I guess you fit right in then

How is celebrating a homerun showing up the pitcher? And don't you think the pitchers understand that is part of the culture?

Well, if it means that little to everyone, I guess they can leave it up. Everyone wins!