
Because the article may have pushed along the change, why should they delete it?

Yah bro, you tell him between Muscle Milks and deep knee thrusts!

Unfortunately, his sociology runs into "black players are bad and flamboyant because they don't have fathers!!" That, and he's a ratings-grabbing d-bag who admits he just says things to get a rise from his audience. He's basically the Rush Limbaugh of sports radio, and an equivalent to Skip Bayless

Thanks for the breakdown I don't give a fuck about. I don't care what you think about this random chick, I just found it ironic you wanted to bash her and then were complaining about other people giving you shit about it. Feel the way you want, but if you post it, expect others to have an opinion on it

Only two days for that comeback, well done

So you want to be able to make a comment for people to read, but you don't want to have anything said in response, especially to a douchey comment? Awesome

"Why wouldn't the business that is the NHL attempt to reach black America when every other major sport has?"

Classy as always

Actually, you don't have to do anything. Just don't click on it

Good point, because you are a total faggot; not that you are gay, but you are as smart as a bundle of sticks

Poll: No one cares about your poll


I am guessing there are 2 more vaginas in this sentence than you have seen in real life

You mean I am the "latest" to the party!

Well, this is the worst comment ever, so way to go!

How do you even exist in this world being so fucking stupid?

Wow, Skip's mom is a poster on Deadspin!

Awesome, and ESPN is built for just you, right?

Yeah, I hate the latest Beiber album too

Also, more jokes would be helpful