
Obviously it was on our “autostrada” (highway) where the speed limit is 130 km/h.

Yep, because doing otherwise might not give good results.

Believe me, that’s what he said.

It’s not possible to explain bullshit, sorry. That was just luck. The next time maybe he won’t be so lucky, if that near accident didn’t teach him nothing.

Allahu akbar! you discovered that driving a good car within speed limits sucks. Bravo! Complimenti, rimbambito! Do you believe me when I tell you that I still don’t know what is the maximum speed of the last two cars I owned?? ...and those are not supercars, but normal, everyday cars... this one I have now should reach 175


You’d better start learning those words in Spanish or Hindi, Billy Bob...

I respect your opinion. Besides, this is the equivalent of bar talk...

Oh, sorry! ...I could not know that you’re a Pep Boys fan! ...sure you guys are classier than me!

...and since you already know that you live there, remove your effin’ nameplate from your door and your mailbox!

Yep! IMO exhaust pipes are only sexy on a race car... in normal sedans, they’re better when hidden.

I will laugh SO much, when the Tesla balloon deflates... and it will, believe me... maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of its life!

A hair dryer (not a heat gun) and a plastic spatula can be safely used to remove whatever sticker, metal or plastic. If you have enough brain and DIY practice, that is... I wouldn’t ask my aunty Emma to do such a job...

Really... why on earth would someone who’s sane of mind want to remove his (or her, or its) car’s original badges??? Doesn’t he (or she, or... ) have nothing better and more profitable to do? say, descaling the toilet, mow the lawn, walk the dog, fap on some Internet porn or whatever??? I am proud to have

Indeed, my beautiful car is the epitome of classy: no exhaust pipe is visible!

If indeed it exists (which I doubt), that must be the most idiotic movie ever!

I cannot stand Turkey.

My Dad had a Capri 1700 XLR, just exactly like this one: