
Indeed Jezza didn’t show his dingaling to anyone, so far... at least for what we know.

What a dick!

There were no “grid boys” in Sochi... not even one! ...wonder why?

Even if we Italians drive on the right side of the road, until the mid-60s, all Lancias were manufactured as right-hand-drive. Lancia intended the cars to be suitable for use on the Alpine passes, so when driving on the right, the driver was also on the right, and could see the edge of the road. Falling off the edge

You too know the Easter European Bunnies???

JW Player es un montón de mierda.

We were not missing you.


Europe confirms (except the U.K.: pints, feet, pounds, and stones... LOL!).

Yes, and I am the Pope!

That’s not a car... it’s the picture of an alien ghost from the Daily Mail...

This is the stupidest article I’ve read so far today... true is that here it’s just 0930.

A very rare image of Gawker’s favorite flash player JW Player 7.3.0, while loading:

ISIS approves... they’ve already ordered 200!

You are SO right!

Chris Evans has one of the most unpleasant faces I’ve ever seen in my life.

Indeed this came out pretty good, if I can say so myself.

That is because you and those who star you, understand shit.