Dear car dealers, everyone hates you, and you deserve it. This is what happens when you become so unloved as a class of humans that people will turn their backs on you the first chance they get. Congress, take note.
Dear car dealers, everyone hates you, and you deserve it. This is what happens when you become so unloved as a class of humans that people will turn their backs on you the first chance they get. Congress, take note.
We lose the Defender and we get this. Sigh.
What could possibly go wrong!
All the torques at nones the RPMs! Oh noes!
In a word, innovation. Whether it's being done by an OEM or by a dude in a shed, I want to see new things I haven't seen before. Electric drivetrains and race series, new safety systems, interesting hacks, more efficient rides, people using their bikes in new ways. For instance, I don't know if I've seen a single…
There's something uniquely 90's about the XK8. It says dot com boom, it says 90's bubble design, it says V8 horsepower wars and mediocre build quality. It's the perfect 90's car.
I think we call it the sad socialist lady-wagon that we will be forced to drive when Obama takes away all our jacked coal-rolling man-trucks.
He doesn't come across as sarcastic to me at all. It really is a lovely thing to see someone so high and mighty riding in a humble whip like this. Also, people make fun of Muslims all the time, so whatever.
You forgot the best part, that he was on his way back from baiting the mafia in their own den. I despise the Vatican with the fiery soul of a hell-bound atheist, but I'll still give the guy credit. He's making insanely powerful religious celibates everywhere look damned good.
I give this post a PHR* of 7.4.
Juke! Godzilla!
We need a contest for the least Jalopnik new car, stat.
Yes! Totally agree.
Yeah, this. Steam power!
Your logic is flawless! We should repeal all speed laws, because people sometimes break them. It's not like lowering the speed limit actually lowers average speeds like every traffic study ever shows. Data is for suckers and the perfect must always be the enemy of the good. If only there was some kind of device we…
It's got to be Billancourt, on an island in middle of the Seine in southwest Paris. The scene of violent clashes between union and management in the 30s, the entire factory was taken over by the Nazis to make trucks, until 460 tons of allied bombs silenced it. After the war it became an overcrowded cesspool of…
Yes. Let us never attempt to prevent a tragedy again, because politicians.