Spencer Windes

Yes, there's never a reason to fix a problem that isn't getting larger every year. For instance, if I only get punched in the face 100 times a day, and that number isn't growing, there's no reason I need to take any measures to avoid getting punched in the face! Also, for questions like "is the population of New York

Because not even German people understand how to use the Ablative properly.

Patrick, this is the most beautiful American car ever made. Before you argue with me, imagine it through the eyes of a Frenchman. In 1944.

Your mother and I discussed this, duchess. You can't go accusing the President of Nicaragua of child raping you. You are a grown man and he's never met you. You need to move on. Maybe by leaving the house for the first time since 1985. It's not much but it's a start. Watch out for that taxi!

Yes, a minor change in the speed limit on some streets is draconian, dude. You are a careful man in your choice of words and expressions. And only 100 lives saved a year! Why I murder that many gardeners every summer! How dare those 100 people (and the 2000 or so injured who won't be) make me move slightly slower down

Yes, the FSLN is pretty popular in Nicaragua. They were voted out of power for 15 years but they've been voted in twice since then by pretty solid margins. Like a lot of leftie South American parties, a good portion of their popularity comes from their image as standing up to US meddling. But that's OK, keep living

Lowering the speed has been proven over and over and over to save lives, especially in crowded cities with lots of pedestrians. There are dozens of documented experiments in cities where this has been done, and has worked, starting in Stockholm, the inspiration for this particular plan. My guess is that the pedestrian

You should know that your balls get smaller every time you mention DeBlasio. Really! It's just you though. As for asking the Sandinistas, given that they've been leading Nicaragua since being elected to office back in 2006, and were just re-elected a couple of years ago, I guess I could just go around the corner to

No, it couldn't actually be about preventing some of the 300+ automotive deaths a year in New York. What's that? A zebra!

When you know basic data about New York, I'll accept you calling it your city. But you do know that Yonkers is in Westchester, right?

Hey, thanks for admitting you didn't know what you were talking about when you made your previous claim! Sixteen violent deaths a month is an epidemic, and a horrible one. To put it another way, the number of violent car deaths is roughly equal the number of homicides as we have in the city, and think for one moment

You aren't good at facts and stuff. Cars kill about 300 New Yorkers a year, of which about 2/3 are pedestrians.

I suppose that someone on here has already pointed out that Richard Nixon wasn't President in August of 1968? Go to Yorba Linda, dude!

The money that this will generate is to the New York City budget as a bucket of mop water is to the East River. It is almost not worth calculating how little this matters financially to the city. But conspiracy theories are fun!

The money that this will generate is to the New York City budget as a can of coke is to the Atlantic ocean. It is almost not worth calculating how little this matters financially to the city. But conspiracy theories are fun!

To all the idiots making slippery slope arguments against lowering the limit, you are fools. The narrow avenues of New York, where I live, do not need anyone driving over 25. In a city where hundreds of people are killed every year by cars, you need to shut the hell up and realize that this is a reasonable change that

We have those over here in Amsterdam. It's not exactly projecting authority, but then again Dutch cops aren't like that.

Back in the 80s, when Ford made the Mustang 5.0 available to the CHP, that was some stealthy shit, especially in your rear view mirror. My first speeding ticket ever was due to that particular sneak.