
Yeah, I think my mom and sister-in-law have gone through about 5 of them in the past two years. My mom finally switched to Garmin this Christmas.

Yeah, I think my mom and sister-in-law have gone through about 5 of them in the past two years. My mom finally

I had planned on giving up alcohol for January without even knowing there was a fun name for it! I’ve given alcohol up for Lent before, and taken another month or two off over the past several years, and found it to be a good exercise. I highly recommend La Croix, or some other sparkling water as your go-to beverage,

FYI, can confirm that bottles of Cooks will work.

Definitely the best guide online.

Can verify. Went to a Burns Night supper last year and was blown away by how delicious it was.

They’re not mutually exclusive. White BBQ sauce doesn’t work as well on pork as a red BBQ sauce. And I would argue the inverse as well.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps all white women do not have the same values/beliefs/opinions as you?

What’s it like to have this level of hubris?


Based on the Nougat update, just plan on 2019.

Mine too. That is why I’m setting up my new Huawei Mate 9 right now...

Willie Watson’s new album, Folk Singer, Vol 2, comes out tomorrow. I’m pretty excited.

There’s got to be a “fungi/fun guy” joke in here somewhere...

I’d listen to that.

What sort of monster wears a pre-tied bow tie, especially with their collar button undone?

“That second part, of course, is why production crews keep forcing these champagne photo-shoots on jubilant but exhausted pro gamers. Unlike pro sports where athletes spend their time performing for the cameras, esports stars sit huddled over computers or console controllers.”

RIP in peace The Gawker Glorydays.

What’s your problem with CrossFit? Specifically related to this article, it places a large emphasis on Olympic lifting.

You should give it a try. I HATED working out until I started CrossFit last year, and I love it. Definitely a great way to get into Olympic lifting as well.

I’ve never seen that before but it is pretty cool.