
Those wheels are so bad.


I’ve never seen footage from Rust before. Man, that looks awful. So many pixeled dongs as well.

Now I know what I can do with my 100 Series Land Cruiser.

I am not one of those people who claims to be able to spot a toupee from half a mile away, but damn, that thing is bad.

No, don’t worry, it’s worth watching because it’s so weird and Kanye complains about people not clapping enough.

Ha, I did too. Like he REALLY wanted to spend some alone time with that young boy...

Thank you for doing this so I didn’t have to.

Not even once?

I thought I’d heard that it was DuPont that did it to avoid competition with their new nylon pantyhose (presumably because hose could be made from hemp).

Never bring a stick to a bat fight.

Tom, I’m glad that you could appreciate this as much as I did.

Glenn Phillips (lead singer of Toad) is an amazing songwriter. He has some amazing lyrics, especially on his solo stuff.

YES. Thank you for doing this so I didn’t have to.

Is your hand OK, bro?

This appears to be in Miami. SHOCKER.

James Bond never seemed to encounter these problems...

I just watched that whole video. I have no idea what was going on.

YES. Hoped someone had posted this.