The graphics on this new game from Kojima Studios are outstanding.
The graphics on this new game from Kojima Studios are outstanding.
There it is.
Yikes: when they’re in that last bedroom, opening the closet doors, getting ready to blast whoever is inside, and there are the guys in the bathroom located directly behind the closets....
I think he looked the most in control in the Orange Bowl. They came back from halftime down by one point and marched right down the field. The entire second half of the game was like that. Just a man out there executing.
I passed one of the new Cherokees yesterday and it occurred to me that it bore a lot of resemblances to the Vehicross. Not that that’s a good thing...(for the record, I loved the Vehicross when it came out).
Oh that vanity plate is amazing.
Agreed. To call this guy a “victim” is really a stretch.
Probably 95% of a Brooks shirts are made in places other than the US now. While I understand that foreign clothing manufacturing has made great improvements, if I’m paying that amount of money, I want mine to come from the US. I keep a number of Brooks oxford cloth button downs (around 8) in rotation and they wear…
Seems like an LS1 swap might get you a good bit of the way there. Then you only have to worry about little things like the transmission and electronics...
It’s a slow day at my office too, Tom.
Agreed. I think people like this thing because it’s the right size, and gets them the luxury features that the 4Runner doesn’t have. I used to think they were pretty good looking too, until the Predator mask came along...
Dammit Doug!
Agree with that version being the best.
I couldn’t stand his character in Girls, but I liked him in Frances Ha and especially Inside Llewyn Davis.
Michael, I thought you got let go from Gawker. Is this a freelance thing? Glad to see you back; I’ve enjoyed your other “guides for caucasians” in the past.
People are the worst nowadays. I would try not to take it too personally as this same shit is happening to basically everyone else who hosts an event.
Won’t someone think of the horses???
A lot of people love the idea of [the previous Defender], but they never buy one.