That shit was cray.
Um, I mean, Clemson has gone 13-0 for the regular season. If they lose in the playoffs, I’m not sure that really qualifies as “Clemsoning,” I think that’s just not winning a playoff game. Totally different than blowing an easy game to an unranked team.
I really hope that BMW guy knows that he is now immortalized in the comment section of Jalopnik.
Folks in Arizona have turf lawns. Really sells the illusion that green grass should grow in the desert.
I love Highlight Reel, but yeah, agreed. Kind of like all of the Arkham Knight glitches. We get it, the programmers did a shit job.
Tell me more about #2...
Damn...$35 for Buffalo Trace. It’s more like $21ish down here. It used to be my go-to, but has been replaced with WL Weller Special Reserve, which I can get for $14 in GA.
Yeah, I really hate kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and love, just like everyone else.
As a Southerner, I’ve counted as many as 10, 12, and maybe even 15 bridesmaids in pictures of friends/friends-of-friends on Facebook. It makes me chuckle/weep.
This is the craziest foot fetish video I’ve ever seen.
With regards to Catholicism/Christianity, have you considered reading any books from the great thinkers/theologians from over the centuries? I think it’s pretty easy to lean towards Atheism when you are presented with a fairly one-sided argument from today’s culture, even if it’s supplemented by church services. There…
She’s the only one who looks like she knows what she’s doing.
Where’s your Youtube video?