Isn’t this really more of an indictment about how easy it is to be a DJ?
Isn’t this really more of an indictment about how easy it is to be a DJ?
Haha, indeed. Much better looking than that garbage Ranger up top.
I believe that was an April Fool’s Day joke from
With regards to the “settlement” or arbitration clause, totally agree. That is exactly what I thought when I saw this.
Damn. Try doing that when you’re drunk.
Step 1: Quit building shit cars that you constantly have to repair under warranty.
I appreciate this review. I haven’t played a Call of Duty game in a while, mostly because I like the single player campaign and they’d just gotten so repetitive and boring. This looks like it could be pretty interesting.
The bro’ed-out “huge wheels with tiny sidewalls” look has to end at some point, right?
Yeah, I think some of them are designed to beep more often as the dogs are out ranging, but the rate slows down once the dogs get on point. Here’s a video
What a fucking ignorant article. Yes, Mike Huckabee sucks, but if you don’t know shit about pheasant hunting (or ANY hunting), don’t make a whole commentary on it. This was legitimate hunting, and the pheasant flushed nearby and was shot. That’s how it’s done.
Having been quail hunting several times, I will let you know that the beeping you heard was the from electronic collars that the dogs wear so that you can know where they are in the field. I’m sorry that this ignorant-ass article didn’t explain that, but of course the author had to no desire to even if he’d known…
Damn, that was good.
Nice. I was hoping that there might be a Black Eyed Children story.
This needs more stars.
I believe I’ve read that shibas were bred for bird hunting, so I guess this makes sense.
Ha, yeah, Hwy 331 can be pretty isolated.