
Don't feed the egregious trolls, PorcoRosso. You never win with them. Let them believe their stupid bullshit in silence, because if you acknowledge their beliefs, it makes them somehow valid. This troll should not be made valid.

Yup. That's the kind of bullshit you hear from the people who are convinced that they would be a hero in a shooting scenario. But it's all fallacy. If more people have guns, then there is a greater chance that a crazy person has a gun and that makes everything more dangerous, as evidenced by this school shooting.

The fact of the matter is that more guns available to the public means there are going to be more gun related crimes. It also means that there will be more incidents where guns are used for the greater good like preventing crime. The problem is that it's easier to commit a crime with a firearm than it is to prevent

I have lived in two countries, Australia and the United States. One of these countries has mostly banned firearms, and the other country embraces them. In the three year period I lived in Australia, there was not a single mass shooting, and murders by use of guns was very rare. There is a mass shooting nearly once a

Annnnd here come 654524522 posts saying guns are a synonym of freedom, and explaining most countries in the world, those who don't have guns (and 100 times less murder rate) are devoid of any freedom. And that healthcare is against freedom, and all that.

Move to Canada! We have free health care and no guns!

"We thought investigators may have meant to say School Shooter: North American Tour 2012, (above) a notorious mod for Half-Life 2(which was also recovered from the Lanza home). But Stephen Sedensky, the state's attorney for Danbury, Conn., whose office released the report, said that wasn't the case."

As far as I know, every Elder Scrolls game has been more about the side quests than the main story. To me however, this doesn't mean that the main quest line lore isn't enjoyable.

I almost snorted out of laughter at the idea of taking Elder Scrolls lore seriously. They do such a poor job of telling the story (sure, push ALL the lore and storytelling to the thousands of books scattered around the game), it's like the game creators are telling us that it's not really important to delve into lore

Yeah, apparently the big bad conspirators are brilliant enough to create needlessly complex "false flag operations," yet amateurish enough to make them easily debunkable by your average web surfer.

Gotta love imbeciles like Sandy Hook deniers. They refuse to accept something and fail to provide a single proof that their conspiracy is true while refusing to see the vast amounts of evidence.

Found the problem. It was your purchase.

Yeah because video games and realism sure go hand-in-hand.

´that was...the most generic star wars short...ever.

Oh please. You're welcome to not like Lindsey's music, if you want. It's a free country. But claiming she has no talent just comes off as jealous, petty bullshit. Of course it's talent - if if wasn't, absolutely anyone would be able to do what she does, just on a whim. I bet Taylor Davis herself would be the first to

If you buy this - you are stupid. I don't care how you try to rationalize it. The person who sold it is smart only by comparison...since you are so stupid, you felt the need to buy a fucking achievement on EBAY.

I'm sorry guys, love your site....think your great and all. but you tend to always want to go a little "extra" when it comes to Sony. just saying.
Games journalist always get offended by anyone who dares to imply that they may just have a hint of bias one way or another. But the reality is, when you post Headlines like

"Xbox One Disc Drive Issues Reported by Small Number of Users" vs. "PS4 'Blue Light of Death' Has No Clear Fix Yet"

This is actually a legitimate sentiment - why, after 7 years of 720p and 30fps should it be ok that the Xbox One costs $100 more (because of a 'mandatory' Kinect 2.0), and there's almost nothing next gen about it?