
it's not hard to come across as condescending to gamers. Gamers are morons.

You wanted the Uncharted games to be The Last of Us? You bought all three games in the series and hoped that, even though they were marketed as Indiana Jones-esque treasure hunting adventure-comedies, they would secretly turn out to be harrowing post-apocalyptic narratives?

I actually like the third game more due to the more subtle storyline and better setpiece. I can understand why people think 2 is better. 2 has a better balance of exploration and combat. It also has a really great pacing whereas uncharted 3 can be a little slow at times.

Kissing, eh...? Well, isn't that... special.

I reject your premise that the Uncharted female leads are defined by their romantic connection to Drake.

I don't like her or agree with her on most things but, that actually was a wise choice to block Youtube comments.

I imagine that there would be a lot of "black (or dark)" humored, trolling instead of actual criticism, (Even with this new system youtube has implicated).

Except Elena is a foil that turns Drake into a better person, Kinda like Liz in Bioshock Infinite.

If anything Drake is defined by her.

Unlike some of the previous episodes, this one had some level of accuracy.

This story is bullshit.

You're reporting on a random internet post. Literally anyone could have written it.

Some Microsoft fanboy in Sweden with a passing knowledge of Mandarin could have done it. No, wait— I just posted that on the internet. It must be true.

Kotaku! Update your story! Its Sweden's fault!

Obviously you were being sarcastic, but I just wanted to point out that communism and religion have never mixed well, and the one positive thing I can say about past communist regimes is that they banned religion. Marx called religion "the opium of the people" and I am inclined to agree.

You can't really understand the issues modern healthcare has until you have to wrap your mind around the fact that you're going to die because you don't have enough money.

Yes because we all know that health insurance companies are so broke and on the verge of bankruptcy.

If the US spent less money on guns and more on healthcare, then its citizens wouldn't have to kickstart their cancer treatment. At the very least, Americans need to stop making fun of Canadians for choosing the health of their citizens over their army.

Plugging your ears and yelling "LALALALA FREEDOOOOOM!" is the reason the US is one of the only first world countries without a public option for health care. Ignore the fact that we already spend more tax money on health care per capita than any country with a public option. Ignore that we're the only country where

Time ran an article a year or two ago called 'A Bitter Pill', and really explained the major problem with the US's healthcare system in that hospitals charge outrageous markups on the things they provide by pretty much arbitrarily making up prices on a list they call a chargemaster which is what they base prices on

So your argument is: 10 years to improve something? Nah, fuck that. If it doesn't benefit me right now, I don't care.

Doctors in Canada and the UK are pretty fucking well off. Don't give me that BS. So yeah, perhaps doctors under a universal health care system, may not be able to afford that 50ft motor yacht the first few years into their practice. Cry me a river.

If you're living "paycheck to paycheck", what would happen if you suddenly were diagnosed with cancer?

are you seriously defending a modern nation like the US having to spend more money than anyone else in the world on healthcare, but still can't even make it into the top twenty nations ranked on healthcare?

When you talk about tax dollars and where they're ultimate used in our country (America), and much of them are completely wasted on pork barrel spending, there's absolutely no reason for treatment to cost this much. Tax dollars should go to doctors, not to this shit: http://www.dirtyspendingsecrets.com