
I prefer the original anime version of the Two Year Vacation. Fond childhood memories of seeing the film version.

Nobody said that they're not supposed to do it, or even that they're not allowed. But if the entire idea is based on something that nobody will even know exists, unless they tell it exists; but that nobody can see it, then I also totally have the option to point out that that's not only stupid, but it's the attention

In this story: guy makes a game, doesn't let anyone play it. Pretends it's a statement.

While I wasn't completely in love with the multiplayer like I had hoped, I want to buy and support this just for the beautiful art style alone. Especially in motion, it's just gorgeous to look at.

Did Golden Time just rip off a scene from the Sex & the City movie?

It don't seem the same since cosmic light came into my life.

Getting in front of the first audience, at one of the dinghy open mic clubs that are there solely for practise and to test material, and completely bombing with what you thought was a surefire bit. That'll teach you more than anything else about the art. It's such a deafening silence that kills me every time I "hear"

2. No, it didn't. This was proven countless times by gamers worldwide. There were no calculations that absolutely required always online and the only thing that forced the game to be connected was the internet check every 20 minutes or so. All the connectinos to neighboring cities were broken and never really went

Oh no, you're absolutely right and are making more sense talking about it than anyone else has so far in this thread.

It's not sarcasm. He gets visibly upset later and starts to argue that they are there for themselves, not the audience and gets pissy when everyone calls him out on the fact that he's out on stage to prove himself and compete for the audiences interest. He's so self-involved that he even gets annoyed at C.K. for

Arguing for substance doesn't really work when you're defending a commercial like this.

Is one of them the Broodwich?

Oh, you're just too precious. I own a PS4, doesn't mean I can't poke fun at the state of the machines exclusives at the moment. But apparently with your kind of people it's always "don't be mean to my console!"

Shouldn't the headline be "The 6 Games on PS4"?

Wow, Microsoft, whoever you have at your marketing department that OK'd this really needs a talking to on some basics of what kind of an image you want to present. While Sony continues with the fantastic "greatness awaits" campaign, you assume players enjoy the concept of PTSD from your device.

The series was directed mostly by Stephen Merchant, who is the superior of the two and has been sadly discarded by Gervais (asshole that he is) ever since Hollywood beckoned. Merchant, who understands restraint, has often been credited as the man for the best bits of Gervais's career.

Gervais was playing Gervais in Stardust. It was the worst kind of casting and a colossal misstep in an otherwise great film.

Extras was less painful because he didn't talk. That scene in particular belongs to Patrick Stewart, with Gervais luckily being kept at bay. Make no mistake, that the scene works is in no way

I was just thinking that the writing in Shen Mue couldn't get any worse. Thank you for proving me wrong.

Look at anything Gervais has done (apart, apparently, from Derrick) and he's exactly the same in every role. Even Stardust, which is supposed to be a fantasy adventure film, the whole movie comes to a dead halt and dies for the duration that Gervais is on screen. It's painful to watch.