
Am I crazy, or does it looks like the cars and clothes are from the 1970s, but the kids have cellphones? When is the movie set?

Link to the kickstarter?

Simpler thing would be to put the cord and stabilizer underneath the floorboards, but that's probably not an option for a movable installation.

One of my favorite websites is ''.net

Neal Stephenson had some pretty awesome commentary on this in Reamde, and invented a new term to go along with it, the Astropocalypse.

PC? But confirmed nowhere else. So Stephen, either you're making a mistake, or someone just broke an embargo... :p

I understand those concerns, but let me reiterate, we are already talking about twenty billion dollars to reinforce the NYC coastline. Not to mention the fact that if the climate continues to change, that reinforcement will be about as much protection as tissue paper in the long run. Whereas, even a multi-million

I understand this, and while I didn't know specifically what New York City was doing to prevent climate change before, I definitely appreciate the steps that its citizens and government are taking.

Why not do something that also retards climate change, as opposed to simply reacting? Put a solar panel on every flat roof, paint the roads white to reflect sunlight, and turn off the coal plants - definitely a good way to make sure that $20 billion worth of new coastline stays adequate to protect one's infrastructure.

Please make this into a kit. I will buy approximately ten thousand of them, and pain them DARK BROWN.

Dear Nathaniel,

This video has been removed by the user.

I tried to make my mom a grandmother, but I ran out of yarn.

Emissions flares from warp drives going off.

At which point is the vintage filter applied?

I think that we can still point to this as "one of those moments when the Singularity may have happened"

Was this headline written by a reporter from the 1930s?

Does the Gruen transfer apply to online shopping as well?

off-topic: what happened to the Person of Interest recaps?

I don't know anything about coding, but would it be possible to use the source code, a copy of the source engine, and Gary's Mod to whip up a big ol' total conversion? Outcast in the Source engine would be EPIC.