All that hard work for nothing, Brad Paisley and LL Cool J.
That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.
I don't harbor nearly the same level of hate for AP. Annoying as a sing-along bar song and overplayed for sure, but 1) it's been abused less, and 2) it has WAY more of a feel of a drinking song than SC. Yes, that's like saying something's more FUCKINGMETAL than John Mayer, but hey. And before I realized it was…
I put SC over DSB. At least DSB is an actual song that's up-beat you sing to (still very bad). SC's "fun sing-along" consists of three drunken outbursts that you anxiously wait a whole verse and half the refrain to get to (because the verses and melody are horrible). Oh, and after giggling with prideful glee at the…
Let's not, seeing as how "used to be's" don't count anymore. They just lay on the floor til we sweep them away.
I'll say it. This song blows. It always has. I now hate it with every fiber of my being, and I hate that smiling, shouting retards make me almost feel guilty over being a curmudgeon. My sound distaste of a shitty song should be able to be open and shameless, without me feeling like I just went on an angry tirade while…
Maybe the cat was really twerking, lets not leave out that possibility.
Jani Lane, Greatest Life Achievement Rankings: