A Magic Puffin

BF is no where near as bad as CoD.

Sounds like an ill-conceived plan to, at the very least, score some pictures.

How have 5 people starred a completely inaccurate comment that itself is addressed in the very beginning of the article...sometimes the stupidity on Gawker sites astounds me.

I'm going to do the exact same thing to my pc setup, except with dildos.

Or the organizers. This WAS a 100% avoidable situation; in spite of the internet.

Then you won't be playing on a PS3, Xbox 360 or the newest generation when it comes to any digitally downloaded game.

Because you are signed in with the account that purchased those games. These guys were not using the console they purchased the game on, nor were they signed in with the account that they purchased the game with. Seems like a lack of logic on their part.

Because you were signed in with the account you bought the games with. These people for some reason were not.

And from what I understand the PS4 is no better, not sure if it does things worse, but it's no better.

Actually that would have been slightly better for this situation. The model it currently uses is the same that the 360 uses and I'm sure the PS4 uses. Home console has unlimited access, though when you sign in on another console you need to have internet connection to play games; this almost certainly wasn't the home

It's exactly the same on the PS4 little weebo

You can't play digital games on the PS4 on a second system at all without an internet connection, how come that isn't mentioned?

This is nothing new. The rumored "24-hour check" doesn't even exist. This behavior has always existed on 360 and PS3. A *digital only* game purchased by a particular user is always playable on that player's home console, no matter who's signed in, and if the console is online or not. Otherwise they must be logged in

So many people raging for no reason.
If you get disconnected but it was your account that downloaded/bought the game, then you don't get kicked out at all. Just... I mean...just use the account that downloaded it. Jeez.

Read the article again. The game was downloaded to another console that it wasn't purchased on by an account that was signed in as a guest.

Except it's not even close to always-online DRM if you actually purchased the game on that account.
People, as per usual with the Xbox One, are making a much bigger deal of this than it actually is.

Couldn't this have been avoided by having the console associated with the event purchase its own copy of the game? Why did multiple accounts need to sign into the console? Is it a button configuration issue?

I think you're having some trouble understanding what a "cable feed" is.'re full of shit. The Xbox One doesn't decode cable signals (you still need a cable box), so Comcast was NOT trying to get him on any sort of Xbox One. They may have been trying to get him on an X1 receiver (which is a Comcast Xfinity product with voice commands...but it's not an Xbox and not made by MSFT).

I disagree. During the revolution the founding fathers felt they should have the same arms as the government that was oppressing them. That was the point, was not letting the government so out arm the citizens that they could become a despotic regime without any hope of the citizenry fighting back.