I think you're having some trouble understanding what a "cable feed" is.
I think you're having some trouble understanding what a "cable feed" is.
Ummmm..you're full of shit. The Xbox One doesn't decode cable signals (you still need a cable box), so Comcast was NOT trying to get him on any sort of Xbox One. They may have been trying to get him on an X1 receiver (which is a Comcast Xfinity product with voice commands...but it's not an Xbox and not made by MSFT).
I'm pretty sure the retail price for a printed out photo is 5pennies in England.
The only ads are the 3 on the right, and they don't show up in the home screen unless someone has moved the display to the right. The ESPN is an App, Madden is a game, and the rest are apps.
See you obviously have no clue what you're talking about. That bottom row of tiles are the latest apps and games you've used..not ads. The 3 tiles to the right are new games and movies that have been released in the Xbox Store, which is relevant to what Xbox is all about, games and entertainment. Next time, perhaps…
That's not the actual Xbox One dash, the real one doesn't have any ads on the "main page".
Except there is not OMG stop pretending to understand things you don't those are most recent used applications. Here is my dashboard in the wild and everything on the home screen I own besides a small sliver that wants to show me around the features.
gotta love how thats the pins menu and not the actual home menu
There are literally no ads on the Xbone dash. Attached is my dash. The pins, I put there. Featured is just a link to suggested free apps like amazon and skype. The store has one picture for each link; video, music, games, and apps. Needless to say, not covered in ads. Not in the slightest. I'm using the default setup…
Except, you know, there are no ads anywhere on the Xbox one dash.
"I love Morgan Freeman"
The theoretical speed of USB 3.0 is faster than the SATA 2 connection between the ps4 and HDD. But typical speeds are much MUCH slower.
okay that's cool. Thanks for replying.
From an objective ish standpoint, are you super glad you bought one immediately? I have a day one edition box'ed up which i intended (and really want) to keep, but finances are a little tight right now so i'm considering selling it on ebay.
Why would you want a console that just plays games when you could have a console that plays games just as well but also serves as an entertainment hub? This boggles my mind. You don't have to use the non-game features, but I don't get complaining about their existence. There aren't tips for gaming because it works…
Nooooo Squiglyyyy!
=O I demand you change your profile picture back!
Snacktaku After Dark...
This is a stick up! Nobody move! Now, nice and easy. Put your shiny Pokemon in my game, OK???
Game: Red Dead Redepmtion
Jigglypuff is on the top left, bro.