A Magic Puffin

That's actually pretty cool. I remember back in my MMO days, my clan was like a second family, they were cool people [:

Actually, there is literally NO game that is like Runescape. As in all of it's content, quests, and such, are actually pretty fleshed out. Quests are incredibly fun in Runescape, as they don't involve Kill x monsters, or collect x items. They have stories, and typically involve some puzzle solving, alongside with

Fallout soundbite: What the fuck have you got against us bitch!?
KKK response: What you got against us? You called us.

I don't know why but this whole retort is hilarious to me. I guess I expected something less...rational and calm.

Well, the manga will end with Naruto and Sasuke probably having one final fight to determine who among them gets to be Hokage, since Sasuke said he plans to be Hokage too.

It's a non-canon ending that results in Naruto beating the dude who says he's Madara. Who then proceeds to disappear, but before he does says he'll back. In other words, it has nothing in common with what happened in the manga. The ending's up on YouTube if you want to see it for yourself.

When I moved to a new town, I had trouble finding a comic shop I liked. I went into one, and looked around I realized the whole top shelf and part of the next shelf wrapping around the store was all Tezuka. Almost everything I could name, art books, etc. When I said, "Wow, you have a whole shelf of Tezuka!" the guy

Well, the Family Share program would have allowed for much easier sharing across far distances...

Well said, very thorough and not bashing on either product.

Then perhaps they shouldn't be considering spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on gaming hardware and software.

Aint nobody got time fo dat!

Then what you do is turn WiFi hotspot on your phone and connect long enough to get back to gaming. Then again not everyone can afford to live in this century. Darn first world problems.

Think I have settled on the Xbox One.

Nosy neighbor wonders why you're always standing looking at your wall for hours. No longer trusts you.

Yeah I just started reading that. Also people getting capped at 60fps need to uncap via "about:config" I see. Stephen should have said something about uncapping.

Just like Vadering, saw dudes on my local news claiming they just made it up when DBZing in Japan was just posted on here not long before.

This guy is an ass. Good luck losing customers, almost 1/3 the US population does not have what the FCC classifies as "broadband" not to mention the countless people that do have decent broadband that hate "always on".…