A Magic Puffin

I am crazy about germs, I am constantly washing my hand after dealing with money and a lot of times just because. Annoys the heck out of my wife but I'll say this, if you can't shake hands you don't deserve my respect.

Yeah and they can post about Digimon all day.

Man a lot of these just look like box art slapped on. I'm digging the Forza and Twitch ones though.

Her generalization is better, most casual players don't care and the games go out into a ton more kiddo's hands that happily enjoy their Pokemon. I would say she probably generalized about 90% of players. But yeah about 5% of percentages are made up on the internet so I am 95% right.

Well in that case you might consider this a glitched run. They use a Poke Doll to get past Marowak's ghost instead of going to get the Silph Scope but it has been decided by the runners that this is the way the game mechanics work so they are not gonna call it a glitch.

Bet they planned this to make it seem like they are trying to do better. Still bet it has a ton of bugs when it releases in 2015 and they catch hell even worse. I say this as a BF fan you can look up my Xbox One gamertag same as my name here to see I play the hell out of it.

And the fact you and your friends can go in on it together and have a personal sports bar for less than $12 a week.

PC Name: Home (I know how unoriginal)

Well he said all this is in one carry on backpack, he is a reporter and the iPhone camera won't cut it as well as wasting battery in interviews for a voice recorder. The other stuff don't ask me about, I don't travel much and all I bring is clothes and my phone when I do. Much simpler than keeping up with the no fly

Last gen consoles were typically 32, this gen though we can bask in the glory of 64.

On phone so can't point it out exactly but is it Wu Aubo? Totally looks like a Chinese Robert Downey Jr. copy.

For me it is but meh. Functionality gets better with every update but not plugging yours in since launch you might not know that. For 4 months I and many others couldn't get "Xbox on" to work. Now it works really well, so well we have this article.

Fight to the death was so worth finishing the video.

You can use voice commands with the camera covered, the voice commands are such a convenience.

Yeah I've seen the commercial and haven't paid attention to it. I thought it was just Xbox on which since I run TV through it thought this was a non issue but then just watched the YouTube video and saw other commands. I've been seeing this constantly watching Hulu on my Xbox lately and my Xbox has never once tried to

They expect your cable box to be running through the Xbox already therefore it would be already on/non issue. Also these commercials are kinda aimed at people without one.

Exactly, so meta. Seriously though I run my DVR through my Xbox so non issue for me but some people use their PC/other devices through it which I don't understand if you have cable and have to switch inputs anyway to watch TV. It is nice to just say the channel I wanna watch and would rather switch to my PC via input

Honestly you're awesome but to get your point across I think it would be better to start praising the games where the female characters are and stop complaining about where they aren't. Also let's not forget Jade who has been a focus of some degrading things has a hand in Unity it is her favorite era and being

To say a woman's only problem of the time was casting a vote is extremely insensitive of the equality issues that have plagued women from the start. I don't even understand why you're here supporting a choice of throwing in an undeveloped character. Maybe it is the only problem you feel women face today.

Yeah well would she be murdering people by herself? Or dealing with conspirators who think women incapable and killing men who think women worthless (death scenes) and there has always been underlying politics in every Assassin's Creed. For it to just change to a female, keep the same story and having no reference to