A Magic Puffin

USB drives don't matter the port type does first then the drive. Even if you have a 3.0 drive it will only perform at 2.0 speeds on a 2.0 port. 3.0 is way faster and as the previous guy said, the speeds it can perform at are so much faster than a standard HDD that even if not performing at maximum you will only be

Do you not know what USB 3.0 is? The speeds it transfers at are like 5 times faster than normal HDD speeds and about the same as consumer level SSD speeds. Why would there be any lag at all?

I bought a 3TB for $60 not long ago and that will be my drive when they add support. With 3.5TB I think I'll be good for a long time and if I do run out of space I doubt I will be playing all the games installed so I could spare a few uninstalls. Doubt I'll play all 70 games I have installed in a single month. Only

Not a breed, I mean they could be a certain breed but it is just another form of calico called tortoiseshell. Here is my mut cat and none in her line were tortoiseshell.

Honestly it could have waited I realized I'll only be playing like 2 games on it for the next 6 months. Though BF4 is where I will be I have owned every BF game and love them so for me I am kinda glad I have it but only for BF4 as my PC can't run it well and the 360 version is crap. Otherwise you could wait 6 months

Arcade games and they still have digital downloads. Like I bought AC4 to play on disc right away and BF4 digitally because that's all I'll be playing for awhile and to switch games I can be lazy and just tell it to switch whenever I want.

Didn't watch video in article did you? There is a prompt when you say Xbox off. Worst they could do to you is tell it to switch games kicking you out of multiplayer or making you go back to your last save. MS hopefully will fix this though.

I haven't seen any other issues besides loading hanging after update and it seems to have been due to the DNS problems as of late. People are reporting to just leave it be and not turning it off, it will fix itself.

But seriously though it is not about one system or the other, they are both great. Brainless cattle belong to people who are so paranoid they believe everyone is spying on them and jump at every conspiracy with their conspiracy buddies, yet they sit there sand continue to allow the "powers that be" do the same crap

Got a smartphone? A laptop or tablet with a camera? You're brainless cattle as well if you do by your very own definition. They can listen to the mic on any phone as well whenever they want and I'm sure all you're internet traffic is being tracked as well. I suggest you unplug everything right now and pack up, you

Actually check eBay I saw at least one up earlier.

Well my Day One tracking number says it is coming from Memphis. I reordered from the MS Store. Those may be people's preorders, wonder if it was the MS warehouse that was hit or another retailer.

For my Xbone I have BF4 (laptop with 650m SLI had trouble running beta on low), AC4 (Kotaku said wait for next gen if buying it), NFS Rivals, Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5 preordered. I know the PS4 had plenty of launch games also it is just you know...... the way COD people are. Also would like to say BF4 on PS3 and 360

I know on PC they do but EA had dedicated servers for console versions of BFBC and BFBC2. Did they change that in BF3 (I played only PC)? I would hope people start to switch to dedicated servers god I hate P2P.

"ALL game developers get Dedicated Servers, Cloud Processing, and 'storage' (for save games) free."

Biggest deal breaker for me.... is there a cockpit view? I seriously took the last one back because there wasn't.

At least as far as the Xbox version I hope not considering the dedicated servers Microsoft is offering.

RDR is like one of the only games that made me emotional. Riding into Mexico for the first time just gave me shivers. Most games don't connect with me as powerfully as RDR.

Here is one for when things get ugly.