The scariest moment in all my pilot training was hand propping an engine. There is an odd technique to it where you essentially throw yourself away from the propeller by kicking your leg out while pushing down on the prop with both hands.

They haven't gotten the front end of their cars right since 2008, so what do you expect?

Very torn on this one, as I think these are going to go up in value in the future and considered a classic. That said, the price for now is a touch high, but it wouldn't surprise me that, in ten years, the car would be worth twice as much. Because I love these cars, I am going NP here, but I would also be talking

One can get away with crap styling a bit more with SUV's than cars...just ask Acura - if it weren't for the MDX, they would be in much worse shape than they are already in.


On a much smaller scale, the Ercoupe could make similar "crabbed" landings. Different system, of course - I think the wheels were on castors, kind of like a shopping cart. I think there are some videos of Ercoupes making crazy sideways landings...

The answer is not Miata, it's w220 s-class...

Obviously the Gators' number 2 running back...

Maybe Audi could invest some of that money into making their $35000 sedan not look like their $135000 sedan, and all their sedans in between, at greater than a 50ft viewing distance...

El no! CP

Sweet! Black or really dark blue? I can't tell from the photo...either way, gorgeous!

That's actually my '68 bird in the photo...I just like any excuse to post it! ;-)

First Gen 'bird....

We need to petition Jalopnik for a 'ten best cars made of or held together with duct tape" contest with Red and the Mythbusters judging the entries...

Met and chatted online briefly with Dion a few times, and he has always been great - polite, courteous and kind. I think a lot of the issues with his team this year relate to getting the car right more than the drivers, so Dion should get a chance.

Love Red Green! Would just add that, in my mind, Bob Costas really seals the deal with his remark about the "always enjoyable giant inflatable beaver". I remember watching this live on TV and nearly rupturing my spleen when he said that...

Is this good for salt resistance? I get a lot of salt from the winter season into the garage, which I know eats at the concrete.

How about the WWF

Does it come with attack eyebrows?