I totally agree, the SciFi Channel version was very well done...I really like what they did with the sequel as well in merging the next two books into one.  

The Computer says Paranoia has the best sourcebook to read. The Computer is your friend. Trust the Computer.....or else!!!

Photo of the truck driver...

Overall a good series, especially early and middle seasons, but started to come apart at the end...especially the finale, which was HORRIBLE!

Anyone gone in person to view the event?  Taking my kid, who plays chess, next week and just wondering what to expect.  Any tips or advice? Thanks!

I find the same pompous jerks who plaster “look but dont touch” all over their cars are the same ones who complain constantly that kids arent interested in classic/exotic/vintage cars anymore.. Gee, maybe if you let them in your car, show them the engine, etc, maybe you’d spark some interest.

If John de Lancie signs on, too, then I am signing up...

Well, Acura had noses inspired by bagel slicers for several years...I guess only a matter of time until staple removers...

per an internet search, the owners name is........Pastor Maldonado...

Now playing

NBC (who owns syfy) execs making a boneheaded decision to can a sci-fi show with a rabid fan following? Where have we seen this before???

It makes sense that he would drive a 12 pot...

bunch of cardboard, tons of yellow duct tape, and now nobody wants to shake my hand!? Its Bill Cipher from “Gravity Falls”

I’d buy that....yeah ..

I just thought it was an added feature - bagel slicer!

Agree entirely. I complained quite a bit about io9s lack of support/interest in the show back in the first season.

While Tesla’s auto pilot may be the most advanced, it’s not the only one out there. Mercedes has had a system for some time that keeps lane, distance and speed, as well as hit the brakes if it detects a potential crash situation. I have it in my Mercedes and a few weeks ago it saved me when another car suddenly

Didn’t Mercedes kick butt this year in terms of sales? My dealer can hardly keep some models, like the GLA, on the lot.

Now playing

He best ever....and cost just six million dollars

...and just wait til they get the electric bill!