
But what if we electrolyze the water, combine it to make a flame, use the flame to boil water, send the steam through a turbine, use the turbine to turn a generator, then use the generator to electrolyze more water?

Is the fact that the linked video doesn't exist part of the illusion?

yeah everyone forgets that the driver could have just parked his car on the highway until they all passed instead of escalating the situation.

I'll bet the number of MiniFigs that are missing limbs is far higher than humans.

I have more lego minifigures than friends.

"marine biologist [...] discovered the remains"

The best one (3:00 min mark) is the guy getting clobbered while staring at the ass of the lady in front of him.

I think ol boy who laid down in the crosswalk got a little more than he was bargaining for. I find that very comforting that he perhaps got exactly what he deserved.

i understood NONE of that and i Don't care. it was beautiful. I just really hope it's accurate because if so this is officially amazing.

I keep showing things like this and xkcd to friends and family. Most just nod and stare at me as though I were insane. I miss having nerdier people around me.

I want to have this man's babies. Like, right now. Holy Hannah, I laughed so hard, I think I had an aneurysm.

That was great. This sort of music has always interested me. Is there a name for this sort of... Non-instrumental, music? I feel like calling it 'found music', even though it's being created, rather than simply found.

Tyranny can come from the Right or the Left.

You mean there's nothing RIGHT about our corrupt leader.

So what? People keep bringing that up as if non of this is Obama's fault. As if he's not actively protecting AND expanding these policies on a regular basis.

First, we lose all of our manufacturing overseas. Then, we lose all of our customer service and call center jobs overseas. Now, we will lose all of our tech companies overseas.

Eventually America's business sector will be like those eerie Coal Mine towns where people slowly left as the mine stopped producing. Sure, a

Its not left vs right. Its control over less control. You rarely see a president, or any politician for that matter, relinquish a power that their predecessor put into place.

nope, exactly what you voted for. a party that believes in providing more government services, having a heavier hand in the marketplace and corporations, i think the term is "big government."

turns out they also believe in spying on its own citizens.

Well, maybe next time the American voters will learn their lesson (doubt it since this is the second time in a row an idiot got voted in twice in a row) and stop acting like it's a 'lesser of 2 evils' choice and vote for a third party.